WIll MediaMonkey sort artists by last name?
March 1, 2010 12:09 PM   Subscribe

In MediaMonkey ver. 3.2, is there any way, under "Library," to get the Artist, Album Artist, and Composer groups to sort by last-first name if I have entered them in first-last name order?

If not, is there an easy way, and would it be worth it, to batch reverse the first-last order to last-first in those fields?
(I'm always worried that I might not be able to remember a person's first name, and if I can't, then I wouldn't be able to find them in the list.)

Also -- is there a way to get MM to ignore the word "The" in an album or song title if I have entered that word as the first word of the title? (I see I can get it to do that if the first word of an artist name is "The" as in "The Beatles".)
posted by feelinggood to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: 1) No. Not that I'm aware of.

2) I don't know about a batch, but the thing I like best about the program is that its tag management software is incredibly powerful. You can rename all of the songs by a particular artist in one step, provided you've tagged and/or sorted them adequately. Depending on how many artists you've got, doing it this way could take less time than writing and running a batch.

3) Nope. MM doesn't parse "The" as an article, it just parses it as a word like any other. So "The Mountain Goats" shows up under "T" on MM but under "M" on various Windows Media programs, iTunes, and SubSonic.
posted by valkyryn at 1:23 PM on March 1, 2010

is there a way to get MM to ignore the word "The" in an album or song title if I have entered that word as the first word of the title?

No, not so far.

The best you can do is find a script which will automatically move "The" to the end (Who, The). Unfortunately, I can only find one that will do it for artists, but maybe someone will make one for titles and albums. The best part of MediaMonkey is the scripting capabilities.
posted by timepiece at 1:34 PM on March 2, 2010

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