Olympic Inukshuk souvenir that has "Ilanaaq" written on it?
February 22, 2010 10:25 AM   Subscribe

[InukshukFilter] I'm looking for a small Vancouver Olympics souvenir with both the Ilanaaq mascot and the WORD "Ilanaaq" on it. Does such a thing exist?

As a Canadian Ilana, I'm tickled by the "Ilanaaq" inukshuk symbol; it's the closest I'll ever get to being an Olympic mascot (or any part of the Olympics, for that matter), though they certainly could have captured my nose more accurately. I'd love to find a small souvenir I can buy that features the little guy, but more importantly, that has the word "Ilanaaq" actually on it. That's the difficult part. This has inspired a lot of fruitless online searching (my Google-Fu completely failed), and my friend in Vancouver also came up short (but she is working on her thesis so I told her not to look too hard). Metafilter, can you find me an Ilanaaq to call my own? Preferably in the $20ish or less range, I don't need a silver necklace. Online is best, but if I can pick it up somewhere in New York or Toronto, that works too.

Thank you!
posted by ilana to Shopping (5 answers total)
I was in BC over the weekend, and spent quite a while in souvenir shops looking for that perfect Olympic magnet. I did not see what you are describing among the licensed Olympic collections.
posted by halogen at 10:42 AM on February 22, 2010

This pendant, while outside of your price range, allows customization of up to 17 characters.
posted by halogen at 11:46 AM on February 22, 2010

Hi I saw this question earlier. Being in Vancouver and working very near some tourist swag shops I went in on my lunch break. I didn't see anything with the combination of the logo and "Ilanaaq". I think it may not exist or if it does it's going to be an older promotional item.

The cute little anime looking characters are going to be to blame. When the logo came out there may have been the intention to bring it to life as a character but I think the branding and marketing people took another direction.

I did a bit of work in the initial stages of the games bidding process and I was given a pin when they introduced the logo. Looking at it it says Vancouver 2010 like all the other things I've seen. The card insert the pin came with has a short write up about Ilanaaq.

I'll keep my eyes peeled.
posted by jade east at 1:30 PM on February 22, 2010

You need to go to the Bay to find out if such an item exists. There is a giant superstore at the Bay downtown by Granville Skytrain station. Sadly the Bay discontinued its online store so it's difficult to track down all the licensed items without showing up to the Bay or Zellers.
posted by crazycanuck at 8:54 PM on February 22, 2010

Response by poster: Thanks halogen and crazycanuck for your suggestions, and jade east for both taking a look and your explanation. After going through several thousand products with the logo but no name on the Bay's website (apparently they actually do have an online store for Olympic merchandise, I was unaware), I'm going to admit defeat. Damn cute furry little mascot bastards. What, stoic stone isn't cuddly enough? It's evidently easier to find an Olympic pin that says "Happy Hallowe'en" (yes, I found one) than one that says "Ilanaaq." Oh well.
posted by ilana at 10:15 PM on February 22, 2010

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