looking for a specific domain name suggestion tool
February 22, 2010 3:58 AM   Subscribe

looking for a specific domain name suggestion tool

This is driving me nuts; a while ago I found a great domain name suggestion tool. You enter a keyword and select a category and it tries all different combinations and shows you which are available. E.g enter "cat" and select the category "sports" and it would suggest


I found it really useful because the categories were pre-populated with relevant words. There are a jillion domain name suggestion tools out there and I can't find the one I'm looking for. Does anyone know the one I'm thinking of?
posted by primer_dimer to Computers & Internet (3 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
bustaname.com? No categories strictly speaking but it offers suggestions of similar words for the words you entered.
posted by rom1 at 5:39 AM on February 22, 2010

I've used Shout Domains' Domain Combiner. Not sure if it's the site you were talking about, but it does similar.
posted by TravellingCari at 7:11 AM on February 22, 2010

Best answer: I found it; it was http://www.domainfellow.com. Not the most promising-looking name generator tool, but I stand by the results!
posted by primer_dimer at 2:38 AM on February 24, 2010

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