Access 2007 help needed
February 9, 2010 2:22 PM   Subscribe

I need to create a form in Access 2007 that can look up a record by customer ID number for data entry. This is an often repeated task so I need the form to stay open.

I have an Access 2007 database that has about 40K customers in it, each with a unique ID number. I need to create a form that will look customers up by this number so that I can do additional data entry. How do I do this?
posted by jestonb to Technology (1 answer total)
If you don't mind a little extra training on the user's part, just create a regular form and have them hit "Ctrl-F" or select "Find" from the menu when in the customer ID field, then type in the customer ID number.

If it needs to be automatic, create an unbound text field and attach a VBA procedure to its AfterUpdate event.
Private Sub txtCustomerId_AfterUpdate()
    Recordset.FindFirst "[frmCustomerId] = " & Nz(txtCustomerId.Value)
End Sub

posted by zixyer at 2:37 PM on February 9, 2010

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