Please help me find a specific wallpaper site.
February 6, 2010 5:47 AM   Subscribe

I am searching for a specific wallpaper site


I've been through 80+ pages already and I can't seem to find, any help would be much appreciated.

The site is a place where you can mail a guy something on your mind (a short sentence or a proverb) and he makes a wallpaper of it, figuring stick figures.
posted by micha to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Exploding Dog might fit the bill.
posted by pemberkins at 6:08 AM on February 6, 2010

Response by poster: Thanks pemberkins! That's the site I was looking for, you made my weekend.
posted by micha at 6:42 AM on February 6, 2010

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