January 21, 2005 5:54 PM   Subscribe

Can anyone suggest good (and preferably free) video conferencing software? I need to run at 320x240 (min) at close to full motion and XP breaks NetMeeting. I have done some searching around and most of what turns up looks like it is designed for teenage-talking-heads types of chat applications, so I was hoping someone might be able to point me to something a little more industrial strength. Thanks, and the Game Cube suggestion for Christmas was right on.
posted by cgk to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
The only one I've used is Webex, which works well. It's not free although there is a trial.
posted by jeremias at 5:01 AM on January 22, 2005

If it's just USB camera to USB camera, and you're not TERRIBLY worried about how "professional" the solution appears, check out MSN Messenger. You need a passport/hotmail account (preferably throwaway since you'll get spam to it), but it works well with XP (both SP1 and SP2) and it gives you 320x240 with the largest window option.
posted by aberrant at 1:32 PM on January 22, 2005

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