[Christamas-Cookie Filter] is the gingerbread cookie OBSOLETE?
December 11, 2009 8:28 AM   Subscribe

Here in Seattle, when you want to buy a single gingerbread person (or tree or sheep, or whatever,) you are basically OUT OF LUCK in 2009. No, I do NOT want to buy a whole package of them, or bake a batch. I just want to saunter into a bakery or coffeeshop and buy ONE cookie. No, not the huge, soft, ginger cookies which are admittedly delicious, but are no substitute as far as the texture of a good gingebread "person" is concerned. I'd bake some, but let's face it, who can eat just one? And I'd like to minimize the holiday weight-gain carnage this year. So far, I've searched three different Seattle neighborhoods: downtown, Ballard, and Greenwood. Zip.
posted by dorgla to Food & Drink (11 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Buy a package, eat one and give the rest away. Preferably to me, but alternately to your co-workers/friends.
posted by mikepop at 8:36 AM on December 11, 2009

Did you check with Macrina Bakery? It says on their Holiday Treats page that they have gingerbread "folks" for $4 each. I guess they have three locations...

Short of that, could you find bakeries where they sell gingerbread houses? It seems to me like they would be likely to also have the cookies.
posted by cabingirl at 8:39 AM on December 11, 2009

What exactly do you mean by "tried?" Did you call up every bakery in those areas, or walk around, or something else? I'm not in Seattle at the moment, but if I were there I'd try Cinnamon Works (in the market) as well as Le Panier and the other bakeries there, then Dahlia Bakery (downtown), Whole Foods, Macrina (Belltown), the Scandinavian Bakery (ballard). Maybe you've already tried all these, but if not, I'd try calling them up.
posted by helios at 8:43 AM on December 11, 2009

While this is not in Seattle, I'd figure that it may be across the board...Starbucks is selling one gingerbread person in plastic wrap for some kind of ridiculous price. But they're cute.
posted by meerkatty at 8:56 AM on December 11, 2009

Response by poster: Good suggestion about Macrina's. I haven't hit Belltown yet. And I did go to the Market, but after Cinnamon Works had closed for the day (poor planning!) And none of the Starbucks stores I frequent (and believe me, that is the correct verb) are carrying Gingerbread Folks this year. Barstids. :)
posted by dorgla at 9:07 AM on December 11, 2009

Sadly, this is another chain recommendation, but I think I saw gingerbread people at Panera a couple weeks ago.
posted by zsazsa at 9:15 AM on December 11, 2009

Panera Bread carries Gingerbread people in packs of one. I saw them the other day here in South Carolina and thought they were rather humorous.
posted by bobber at 9:17 AM on December 11, 2009

helios - the Scandinavian Bakery closed earlier this year.

dorgla - I live in Seattle and doing Christmas shopping latter today. I will keep my eyes open and let you know.
posted by soupy at 10:51 AM on December 11, 2009

Trader Joe's has packs of large gingerbread people in packs of two or three. I was just there and noticed them, but it was before I read this AskMe, so I can't give much more info than that.
posted by elsietheeel at 12:34 PM on December 11, 2009

Soupy - that makes me sad. I loved that bakery.

To the OP: Columbia City Bakery has Gingerbread cookies. Individual ones. Or, at least they did last year, so I'm assuming they do this year. Plus, in order to get there, you can take the new exciting Light Rail.

Take the Light Rail to the Columbia City stop. Walk down Edmonds St. to Rainier Ave, about 3 blocks away. Turn right. The bakery is about a block up, on the right hand side.
posted by spinifex23 at 12:37 PM on December 11, 2009

Response by poster: FIELD TRIP! :) Thanks, spinifex!!
posted by dorgla at 1:35 PM on December 11, 2009

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