What is the most efficient way to migrate an Actinic ecommerce website to Magento?
December 10, 2009 7:17 AM   Subscribe

What is the most efficient way to migrate an Actinic ecommerce website to Magento. I have a clean install of Magento and an existing Actinic website (around 3000 products). I thought maybee do a product export from Magento to a CSV then do the same from Actinic then manually copy content from the Actinic CSV to the Magento CSV. But having looked at how Actinic exports its data (in rowed sections) it appears to be very time consuming... so my question is there a better way or more efficient way of doing this?
posted by toocan to Technology (3 answers total)
Write a little script in your preferred language to read the actinic CSV format to the Magento CSV format. If you posted them here you might find a generous MeFite who will bang it out for you.
posted by joshwa at 8:08 AM on December 10, 2009

Response by poster: Im pretty sure its not possible as the actinic format although a CSV seems to be grouped by headers and footers... If someone has some pointers heres the files : https://www.yousendit.com/download/MVNmV0p3aFJ0d0dGa1E9PQ
posted by toocan at 8:45 AM on December 10, 2009

Looks doable, the script just has to care about ordering to figure out the relationships.

The "headers" are the column name definitions for the rows of each type-- a product row will have these columns, a section or permutation another set of columns.

The really tricky thing is translating from the actinic idea of "permutatons" to magento's idea of product variations (i can't remember exactly what they call it). Would need to build some in-memory hashtable and then output everything appropriately (not a straight column-to-column matching).

Go hire a programmer and they should be able to do it in some number of hours <10. Do make sure to get a sample magento csv output with configurable/varied products (multiple colors/sizes/skus) since you will need that info to construct a correct csv.
posted by joshwa at 7:53 PM on December 13, 2009

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