Internet trouble in Hong Kong
December 5, 2009 3:17 PM   Subscribe

Why might I be having trouble uploading/downloading in Hong Kong?

I'm visiting Hong Kong for a week, and I seem to be having some troubling uploading and downloading. My internet connection seems fine and I can read websites and text e-mail without any trouble. I'd like to be able to send some photos home, though, and here's where I'm running into an odd problem. Any time I hit Attach, my browser freezes (both Firefox and IE) with no error message. I tried other e-mail programs, as well as some websites (imageshack, wordpress, etc), and having the same problem. In a similar vein, there's an e-mail attachment that I need to read, but I'm having a similar problem - anything I do to save it results in my browser freezing. Basically, any time I try to upload or download, I have to close and restart my browser.

I checked with other folks on the trip, and I seem to be the only one running into this issue. Any help would be fantastic - thanks!
posted by brozek to Computers & Internet
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