Rheumatologist with awesome diagnostic skills in New York City?
December 2, 2009 8:59 AM   Subscribe

Can anyone recommend a rheumatologist with awesome diagnostic skills in New York City?

My 83 year-old father suffers from both psoriatric and rheumatoid arthritis. He having some troubling symptoms and needs a new rheumatologist. He's been going through the annual New York Magazine list of best doctors in NYC to no avail, since no one on the list will take his medicare supplemental insurance plan.

(Health care reform anyone? One would think that rheumatologists would have a fairly high percentage of patients on Medicare...)
posted by ljshapiro to Health & Fitness (1 answer total)
Check out this list from the Institute for Functional Medicine. I heard of this group from Dr. Dawn, who I deeply respect. Good Luck.
posted by subarctic_guy at 7:29 PM on January 1, 2010

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