"Stuck in (Red) Shift"
November 15, 2009 9:32 PM   Subscribe

Help me brainstorm clever astrophysics bumper stickers!

I've seen stickers along the lines of "Save Pluto" and "I brake for black holes." But I'm trying to come up with clever, pithy ideas for bumper stickers, where by reading them you would immediately know the driver was an astrophysics fan.

To be specific, this is a bumper sticker for not just a space fan, or a science fan, but for a fan of astrophysics.

I've looked online and I haven't seen anything of the sort. This isn't for commercial reasons, but for a story I'm working on. The shorter and funnier the slogan, the better.

posted by np312 to Science & Nature (14 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Here are some astrophysics one-liners. Maybe you could use them or adapt them?
posted by amyms at 9:34 PM on November 15, 2009

One of the most awesome bumper stickers I ever saw was white text on a red background. It said: “If this is blue, you're going too fast.”
posted by spaghettification at 9:34 PM on November 15, 2009 [11 favorites]

Quit riding my Lagrange point.
posted by furtive at 9:35 PM on November 15, 2009

It might involve "oort cloud" or "three-body problem." Those are both have the potential to be funny.
posted by Spock Puppet at 9:35 PM on November 15, 2009

posted by fleacircus at 9:38 PM on November 15, 2009

More seriously, I think I've heard of "3.0 x 108 m/s -- It's not just a good idea, it's the LAW."

"My other car's on Saturn"
"I (Oort) Comets"
"Io, Io, So Off To Work I Go."
posted by fleacircus at 9:47 PM on November 15, 2009

I'm not speeding, I just passed through a gravitational time dilation.
What flavor is your quark?
Strings happen.
Plan your escape velocity.
It IS rocket science!
Because quarks matter.
posted by Acacia at 12:02 AM on November 16, 2009

Please drive carefully: Schrödinger's cat on board. Maybe.
posted by MuffinMan at 3:51 AM on November 16, 2009 [2 favorites]

Here's a list

And here's a nice calculation to the “If this is blue, you're going too fast.” model. And even a lecture and a shop with the sticker.
posted by lenehan at 4:58 AM on November 16, 2009

Something like:
"This car repaired by a quantum mechanic"
posted by mbarryf at 5:05 AM on November 16, 2009

I would be tempted to mention the Main Sequence
posted by gensubuser at 5:26 AM on November 16, 2009

My favorites:

"Black holes are where God is dividing by zero" and "Entropy isn't what it used to be"
posted by lenehan at 5:37 AM on November 16, 2009 [1 favorite]

My astrophysicist aunt got a t shirt at a conference that says 'As a matter of fact, I am a rocket scientist.'
posted by 8dot3 at 6:53 AM on November 16, 2009

Futurama: "Think intergalactically, act interplanetarily."
posted by rlk at 11:11 AM on November 16, 2009 [3 favorites]

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