I dropped my Kindle!
November 3, 2009 3:46 AM   Subscribe

Help! I've broken my kindle! The case popped open in the corner after I dropped it and I can't get it back together. Hopefully mechanically minded people can help!

Unfortunately it was a gift, and when I asked the person who gave it to me about purchasing info they said they bought it off ebay, so as far as I know I can't just call Amazon support. Which is annoying since I've only owned it 4 days!

I'm hoping that since it's just a mechanical thing and there's no functionality loss that I'm just missing some quick fix, but I can't figure out how to get the back snapped back on by myself apparantly!

The upper left corner of the device has been pushed about 1mm apart at the seam, and won't just snap back into place. I can provide a photo if needed, once I get my hands on a better camera since mine's causing too much glare.

I hope someone's got an idea, it's a pain to have bonked it after only a few days!
posted by Silentgoldfish to Technology (4 answers total)
Best answer: I can't really say anything about the technical bits of a Kindle, but I can say I bought mine from ebay, and it was one of the first generation Kindles. I bought it right when the second ones came out and I'm pretty sure that it didn't actually have a warranty at the time. I dropped it, called, and without any questions asked, they sent me a new one. And my words to them were, "I dropped my Kindle and the screen broke."

Try calling and telling them. They were extremely helpful in my case.
posted by DerangedGoblin at 4:02 AM on November 3, 2009

Definitely give them a call - Amazon usually has great customer service, but it appears they go waaaaay above and beyond when it comes to the Kindle.

This guy dropped his Kindle... and got Amazon to pay him $400. Yeah.
posted by alaijmw at 4:14 AM on November 3, 2009

Response by poster: Well thanks then. Let's see if their international support is as good as their US support. I've e-mailed them, hopefully they get back to me!
posted by Silentgoldfish at 5:08 AM on November 3, 2009

I had exactly the same thing happen to me! Pushing at it eventually snapped it back into place, I did not have to do anything special.
posted by peacheater at 5:39 AM on November 3, 2009

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