Seen lots of old stuff, want some modern culture
October 31, 2009 9:35 AM   Subscribe

How can I find good live music in Switzerland (or maybe Vienna or Prague or somewhere else) during the next few days? Or other interesting evening events?

Smaller venues, indie or whatever else the cool kids are listening to here these days. I've been searching for English language music blogs or alt-weekly type things, spent awhile checking individual band sites, totally striking out. I'm probably going to Zurich, but I would go somewhere else for a good show. I would also welcome other event suggestions...I've seen lots of cool old stuff, but now I am in the mood for some modern culture, and I'd like to spend some evenings doing something other than hanging out in hostel bars. (fighting with sketchy hostel wifi on my phone is making this really difficult to figure out on my own.)
posted by little e to Media & Arts (4 answers total)
Zurich Concerts, I notice Moby is playing on Tuesday.

Opernhaus Zurich (opera)
Tonhalle (orchestra)

And this:
Live Music: Large rock concerts are usually held in Hallenstadion, Wallisellenstrasse 45 (website:, in the Oerlikon district. The Volkshaus, Stauffacherstrasse 60 (website:, also houses big music events. For top-flight jazz in a striking setting, there is Moods Jazz Club, Schiffbaustrasse 6 (website:, which is part of the major cultural centre in the former Sulzer shipbuilding works. The building also has a restaurant and theatre. JazzBaragge, Waldmannstrasse 12 (website:, attracts many jazz fans with its Wednesday jam evenings. The Casa Bar, Münstergasse 30, Zürich's longest-running jazz venue, offers nightly entertainment. The chic Hotel Bar Widder, Widdergasse 6 (website:, features well-known jazz artists with regular concerts on Tuesdays from March to May and from October to January.
posted by furtive at 3:50 PM on October 31, 2009

HearWhere! (A former MetaFilter project!)
posted by mdonley at 4:18 PM on October 31, 2009

Best answer: I would use the tried and true method of finding a good party in any city:

Find an indie record store and look for party flyers. Ask cool looking people at said store where the good parties are.
posted by empath at 7:54 AM on November 1, 2009

Best answer: Personally, I would go here (based on about an hour of googling around looking for music I like)

Hive Club


Minimal Techno is a very German/Swiss thing right now, so I'd probably go with that, if you want to see what the cool kids are into.
posted by empath at 8:03 AM on November 1, 2009

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