DVD Ripping software
December 24, 2004 10:02 AM   Subscribe

You want to rip a 60-second (or so) clip from a DVD, substitute the audio with an MP3 of your choosing, and save the result in a format suitable for Internet distribution. What (downloadable, easy-to-learn) software do you use?
posted by Aaorn to Technology (3 answers total)
On an Apple, I prefer ffmpegx. On a PC you'll want to be usin' Auto Gordian Knot.

Hope this helps...
posted by basicchannel at 10:20 AM on December 24, 2004

Response by poster: Should have mentioned -- I'm on Windows XP. Thanks for the suggestion, basicchannel.
posted by Aaorn at 10:21 AM on December 24, 2004

Heh. Sounds like a game they play every once and awhile on the Something Awful forums, putting inappropriate music/sound over films. Some real gems have come out of that.

The easiest and possibly funniest use the scenes from The Shawshank Redemption or Equilibrium where the main character listens to a record player.
posted by ODiV at 12:07 PM on December 24, 2004

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