Replace my pants
September 15, 2009 8:54 PM   Subscribe

The pants for my suit (men's) have been ruined, and I'm trying to replace them. How should I go about doing this, preferably online?

This is a Hugo Boss, navy-blue, wool suit. I've been wearing it at least once a week for the past year, and there's a major tear in the side of the pants in addition to the fabric being thinned out. (I showed it a tailor, who told me it couldn't be salvaged. In addition to the tear, he said I've just worn them too much.)

I'd prefer to buy these online, but I don't know if that's possible.

I bought the suit at a brick-and-mortar Macy's. They sell either the same or a very similar suit online, but I can't see a way to buy just the pants.

I found this discussion that makes it sound hopeless to try to replace a suit's pants, since the jacket will be more faded/worn than the pants. Well, I don't know about that -- I've rarely dry-cleaned the jacket.

I've searched Amazon, MensWearhouse, and Bluefly but haven't found anything (though it's possible I'm missing something). The Hugo Boss website apparently doesn't include an online store. I should add that I'm in the US.

Any ideas?
posted by Jaltcoh to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (12 answers total)
I'd concur with the people you're disagreeing with. You won't find matching pants.
posted by pompomtom at 9:17 PM on September 15, 2009

Response by poster: To be clear, I didn't mean to disagree with anyone. I just don't know how it works. If it's really impossible to do this, then I'll just have to buy a new navy suit.
posted by Jaltcoh at 9:26 PM on September 15, 2009

Best answer: Further to that: I always wear black suits, and it seems there's a million kinds of black. I'd presume Navy would be even worse. I don't think it's impossible to find matching pants, just very very unlikely. All depends on how picky you are for "matching"; but I'm a bit of a slob, so if I'm not happy about the results....
posted by pompomtom at 9:30 PM on September 15, 2009

Best answer: It looks as if there's a no-separates policy for Hugo Boss, at least for online sales. So you're going to need to talk to someone, either at Macy's or at Boss itself, and see if they can come up with something based upon a model number on the label. It's going to be a shot in the dark, even for something made in the kind of quantity required to stock Macy's.

For future ref, and not meant to be critical: if you can afford it, and there's the option, it's really worth buying a spare pair of trousers if you're going to wear a suit regularly -- not to hold in reserve, but for alternate wears.
posted by holgate at 9:33 PM on September 15, 2009

Best answer: This is just anecdata, but when I ripped a pair of suit pants, I was told that there was no way to find a new set - they would have faded, even if I'd managed to find the exact same suit.

Sorry to hear about your suit, but I think it's time to see if Jos A Bank is having a sale.
posted by SNWidget at 9:33 PM on September 15, 2009

Response by poster: For future ref, and not meant to be critical: if you can afford it, and there's the option, it's really worth buying a spare pair of trousers if you're going to wear a suit regularly -- not to hold in reserve, but for alternate wears.

I agree -- I've done this with other suits. Just didn't get around to it with this one.
posted by Jaltcoh at 10:11 PM on September 15, 2009

Response by poster: All depends on how picky you are for "matching"

Appropriate for a professional job.
posted by Jaltcoh at 10:13 PM on September 15, 2009

Response by poster: I think it's time to see if Jos A Bank is having a sale.

Good call -- and indeed, they are.
posted by Jaltcoh at 10:18 PM on September 15, 2009

Best answer: I don't think Hugo Boss sell seperates at all. I think their pricing is for a whole suit. So you couldn't even buy a second pair of Trousers if you wanted to.

I doubt you will be able to get another pair of the HB trousers - and do they even stock the suit anymore (1 year later)?
posted by mary8nne at 3:36 AM on September 16, 2009

Response by poster: OK, thanks, everyone. I look forward to buying a new suit...
posted by Jaltcoh at 6:46 AM on September 16, 2009

Best answer: Yup, new suit time. And if you go with Jos. A Banks, make sure you're dealing with someone who knows how to fit a suit. I picked up 3 at one of their huge sales, and had to get them sent to another store for final fitting since I was moving at the time. When they arrived at the new store, new store's manager and I realized that everything was sized about a step and a half too large. We had to re-order everything.
posted by craven_morhead at 7:09 AM on September 16, 2009

Response by poster: Wow, thanks for the tip ... I'll try a different store first.
posted by Jaltcoh at 9:30 AM on September 16, 2009

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