Name of the 80s soccer arcade machine?
July 2, 2009 12:59 AM   Subscribe

Does anyone remember the name of the 80s soccer coin-op arcade machine? It was of a similar size to a Gauntlet box, was up to four player and was a world cup type tournament. Sort of cartoon-y / manga-lite type of players; and my overriding memory of it is the scissor / bicycle kick. If it then exists in a PC/PS2/ROM collection so much the better! Thanks all.
posted by n3rt to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (6 answers total)
Four players sounds like the venerable Atari Football, but that game doesn't exactly match the rest of your description. Gridiron Fight is a bit closer, but for two players. Full tournament and manga style could mean early 90s rather than 80s. Hmm.

Anyway, browsing the CoinOp database might help you find the right game.
posted by effbot at 3:04 AM on July 2, 2009

Best answer: Here's a list of all video games in klov that match soccer. Mexico 86 is up to 4 player and more or less fits your description.
posted by plinth at 3:24 AM on July 2, 2009

It's not from 1980s but instead 1992, but possibly Super Sidekicks?
posted by Mattat at 3:45 AM on July 2, 2009

I was gonna drop in and mention Mexico 86 too. God knows I wasted a lot of money as a kid on that thing and your description fits perfectly. Here are a couple of more images to jog your memory.
posted by Kattullus at 5:41 AM on July 2, 2009

effbot, not sure why you listed American Football games??

again, not 80's but what about Euro Champ?
posted by Frasermoo at 6:41 AM on July 2, 2009

Response by poster: Mexico 86 it is! Well, more specifically Kick & Run. Thank you! >memories of interesting ten pence pieces ad nauseum come flooding back<>
And [obviously] MAME-able. Well, in my little corrupt world it is anyway...

posted by n3rt at 6:52 AM on July 2, 2009

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