Where to find London air pollution reports
December 4, 2004 5:06 PM   Subscribe

Does anyone know where one can access reports on air pollution in London as compared to Boston, Paris, NY etc?
posted by Mossy to Science & Nature (2 answers total)
Try the United Nations Environment Program and/or the World Health Organization. Both organizations track air pollution levels in major world cities; you can almost certainly find London, Paris, NYC data in one or both places (though Boston might or might not be there.)

This will probably be more useful than going to environmental reporting agencies in each country, because in a comparative study by a worldwide organization, presumably the same standards of measurement will be used in each city so it will be easier to compare.

Some quick and dirty Googling turned up this PDF fact sheet, but it seems to be based on old (early 1990s) data. Still, it might get you started.
posted by enrevanche at 6:16 PM on December 4, 2004

If AskMetafilter doesn't get you an answer, you might consider Google Answers as a resource, if you're willing to spend (say) $5 or $10 for this type of question.
posted by WestCoaster at 7:31 PM on December 5, 2004

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