dui to pbj to canada?
June 6, 2009 11:24 AM   Subscribe

Traveling to canada after a dui. Kinda. Probation before judgement.

So i know that if you get a dui in the usa you may be denied entry into canada. But what happens if you get probation before judgement? Does that count. I have a possible work trip to canada and i need to know if i should find an excuse not to go or if it will be ok. The incident in question happened 3 years ago. Who should i check with to make sure i am ok? Thanks in advanced!
posted by anonymous to Travel & Transportation (4 answers total)
Canadian Border Services information line is probably the most helpful; you'll have to pay long distance charges calling from the US. There's another number on that page that can connect you to an actual human being.

If you find out that you cannot enter Canada, there is a process and forms outlined here that can help you obtain temporary admittance (normally you have to wait 5 years after the incident, but in many cases they will waive the requirement depending on the risk).

Whatever information you get, do not accept answers from anyone except a Customs and Immigration official. I had to talk to them about some visa issues a few years ago, and if you're polite and friendly they are great and will do anything to help you out. If you can, get your permission to enter the country in writing and carry it with you. Best of luck.
posted by variella at 12:01 PM on June 6, 2009

Ignoring the question of entry into Canada, are you sure it's legal for you to leave the US, if you're on probation? I think you should check with your probation officer on that.
posted by Chocolate Pickle at 2:07 PM on June 6, 2009

But what happens if you get probation before judgement? Does that count.

At least where I live, probation before judgment means you have not been sentenced, and therefore you have no conviction during the pendency of your probation. You plead guilty at the outset, but the final judgment is held in abeyance in the expectation that you will successfully complete probation, the case will be dismissed, and you can truthfully say you have never been convicted of the crime.

Having said all that --- if your state law is like mine, and if Canada's policy is to deny entry to people with DUI convictions, then you should be fine, because you have no conviction for DUI (assuming you successfully completed the probation).
posted by jayder at 2:33 PM on June 6, 2009

This may not be the same situation, but I had a friend who got a DUI around 2001ish and still had problems getting in or out of Canada seven and eight years later. Aside from a clean record, I recall it was his only one he has received and I don't remember it being that big of a deal at the time. He has a wife who is French Canadian and that doesn't seem to matter a bit.
posted by P.o.B. at 1:09 AM on June 7, 2009

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