Average Severn Bridge traffic?
May 22, 2009 10:44 AM   Subscribe

What is the average traffic volume per day on the Severn bridges?

Specifically, how many cars cross the bridge in both directions on an average weekday?

I am in a pub in Wales and people are really getting exercised about this question! There are several iPhones in action researching the question, but with no luck.
posted by sueinnyc to Travel & Transportation (2 answers total)
Best answer: Hard question. The best I can do is this PDF: Severn Barrage Highway Infrastructure Feasibility Study:
The M48 bridge, the original Severn bridge, has a two-lane dual carriageway motorway (D2M) cross-section, the newer M4 Second Severn Crossing bridge has a three-lane dual carriageway motorway (D3M) cross-section.

Congestion Reference Flows (CRF) for these two sections are 65,000 and 97,000 vehicles per day.

Base year (year 2005/2006) Average Daily Traffic (ADT) flows for the M48 and M4 were approximately 17,000, and 60,000 vehicles per day respectively.
posted by smackfu at 11:13 AM on May 22, 2009

2008 westbound traffic over the two bridges was about 13 million according to this, making about 35000 vehicles per day. I assume traffic in the other direction is about the same. The company obviously has the breakdown into cars and other vehicles, but the figures aren't in that short report.
posted by nja at 1:26 PM on May 22, 2009

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