Reliable Web Hosting
November 20, 2004 4:23 PM   Subscribe

web hosting filter --> i currently pay over $100 to NTT/verio, a little company you may have heard of, to host my e-commerce site. i've been told i'm getting a bum deal. so, dear experts, where can i get *seriously* reliable freeBSD hosting with support for php, mysql, maybe IMAP, without spending as much? thanks.
posted by subpixel to Computers & Internet (7 answers total)
$100/mo? You are getting raped, and aren't even getting a kiss on the cheek when they're done.

If you can settle for Linux rather than FreeBSD, you can find PHP/MySQL hosting with Imap support for as low as $5/mo. I use and like
posted by SpecialK at 4:49 PM on November 20, 2004 runs FreeBSD and is very reliable. It's the choice of people spending other people's money.
posted by smackfu at 6:01 PM on November 20, 2004

I've used HostRocket and Pair. I would say Pair is the much better option for a business site. I've also used Lunarpages, which is cheaper than Pair, and has been very good. All three are much cheaper than Verio, with the same level of service.
posted by y6y6y6 at 6:30 PM on November 20, 2004

Dreamhost runs Debian (last I looked), if you can settle for that, and offers very good packages with php, mysql, imap/pop/web mail. Right now you can get the Code Monster package (2560 MB storage, 64GB transfer/month, 3000 email accounts, 375 shell accounts, 15 hosted domains and 75 subdomains, CVS, and a bunch of other crap) for $25/month ($25 setup fee).

I've been with Dreamhost since 1998, and I can recall one massive screwup (in, like, 1999) and a handful of email farts a year (always delayed, never lost). They've always been very helpful when I've screwed something up myself, and pretty forthcoming when they've made a mistake.
posted by Lyn Never at 7:57 PM on November 20, 2004

I also recommend
posted by Mo Nickels at 5:37 AM on November 21, 2004

If you're looking for reliable, you know that FreeBSD will fit your need better than Linux. Pair is the all-around best web host I've ever used. You will pay more for them, but when anything goes wrong, you'll be glad, because their support and procedures are top-notch.
posted by websavvy at 9:20 AM on November 21, 2004

TextDrive is a marvelous hosting company run by some of the smartest folks around. Have a look at the forums for an overview of what they mean by, 'a different kind of hosting'.
posted by cedar at 11:43 AM on November 21, 2004

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