Where can I buy cherry blossom extract?
April 3, 2009 4:06 PM   Subscribe

Unique ingredient filter: Does anyone know where I can buy some cherry blossom extract, preferably online or around Chicago?

I love cherry blossom flavored goodies from Japan and would like to make my own. I know cherry blossom (sakura) extract exists, the evidence is here, but I can't find any to purchase in stores or online.

Has anyone had success any success locating this unique ingredient before?

p.s. I'm so jealous of everybody going to the Cherry Blossom Festival in DC this year!
posted by CoralAmber to Food & Drink (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Perhaps Mitsuwa? I'd call before making the haul out, though.
posted by sugarfish at 4:13 PM on April 3, 2009

This is not listed as food grade, but I've had good experiences with this company (From Nature With Love). It should be rather potent -- I'd probably be bold enough to try a small amount in food.
posted by quarantine at 4:39 PM on April 3, 2009

surprisingly the leaves of sakura trees have a strong sakura scent (especially when preserved in salt) which is why they are used in japanese sweets. if you can find a tree try using the leaves.
posted by Infernarl at 5:40 PM on April 3, 2009

****Adminstrator****Please flag and remove the above recommendation by quarantine.

Do not under any circumstances ingest the fragrance oil recommended above. 'Fragrance oil' is code for synthetic fragrance. Non-nature derived. Coal tar derivative. Extremely toxic ingested in any quantity.

Synthetic 'flavor oils' are available. This isn't one of them. Sorry quarantine. 'Essential oils', the proper term for plant derived oils, can be ingested with prior knowledge of their effecacy, usually in minut amounts but even this is fraught with danger without study. I am a perfumer so you may take this on good authority.
posted by Muirwylde at 7:04 PM on April 3, 2009

here is a recipe for pink rice cakes or sakura mochi...it uses the leaves for the flavor though. I'll try to find the flavor oil for you and will post as soon as I do.
posted by Muirwylde at 7:17 PM on April 3, 2009

Upon reviewing several industry indexes there doesn't appear to have been a formula specifically designed with this flavor profile in mind but I didn't search Japanese flavorists (where the profile is most likely to have been developed).

The delicate ethereal Cherry Blossom (Sakura) 'fragrance' profiles (some very sophisticated ones...called 'captives' in the industry) HAVE been developed and have been a fragrance trend for the past 2-3 years.

As is often the case, a pre-existing 'flavor oil' is re-badged and 'called' cherry blossom 'flavor oil' to exploit a demand. In all likelyhood the cherry blossom flavor oil you linked to would very much disappoint you.

Now the interesting thing is, the powers that be are always looking for the next taste sensation so you may have set something in motion. I searched IFF's (International Flavor and Fragrance) database and came up with no results. They have flavor and fragrance profiles they don't let us lesser minions see though. I know IFF employees are multitudinous so perhaps one will make an appearance here and give me my come-uppance. Don't be surprised if this flavor pops onto your radar as a 'new' trend in six months or so. The flower flavor trend is definitely...umm...blossoming.
posted by Muirwylde at 8:14 PM on April 3, 2009 [1 favorite]

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