Why do I always lose everything important?
April 3, 2009 10:41 AM   Subscribe

Recipe filter: mushroom and scallop pot pie recipe. Dinner party rapidly approaching, and boyfriend or I managed to lose the recipe. Help!

My friend (who is co-hosting this party) clipped this recipe from a magazine or newspaper quite awhile ago (probably at least 10 years ago). I cannot find the clipping for the life of me, and my google-fu is failing me. Friend will be quite mad if I did indeed manage to lose this recipe two days before our dinner party. Do you have this recipe, or something similar?

What I can remember about the mushroom and scallop pot pie recipe:

It definitely included scallops, morel mushrooms (fresh i think), mixed wild mushrooms (fresh), puff pastry, and herbs (thyme?). There were probably shallots or onion, and since it was a creamy white sauce there was a massive amount of dairy in it, perhaps white wine. No extraneous veggies - no peppers, peas, carrots, etc at all. There could possibly be other pantry/fridge staple ingredients involved, but nothing big.

We made the recipe once, and it was VERY tasty. That's why I'm reluctant to use an altered imperfect google-found substitute (ie the Emeril scallop recipe, etc). Do you have my missing recipe, or something very similar?

I know this is kind a shot in the dark, but I've seen metafilter answer equally random questions, so it's worth a try!
posted by soleiluna to Food & Drink (2 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: It sounds like a variant on the traditional French Coquilles St Jacques recipe. Here's one version that just calls for "mushrooms" but doesn't have the puff pastry. Here's another version that does call for puff pastry.
posted by cabingirl at 12:18 PM on April 3, 2009 [1 favorite]

Best answer: Unfortunately I don't have your recipe and I'm surprised it's not at epicurious. One thing is that you seem to have a pretty complete sense of it. I would try it with what I know. I'd probably make the great puff pastry from Domestic Goddess since her crusts are amazing, this creamy white sauce unless you don't want leeks but I think they could be just left out, and saute the mushrooms and morels (are they in season where you are right now?) in shallots, maybe sear the scallops (I don't have much experience with them so I'd do some research), combine and bake until the crust is golden.

But of course, I'd much rather have the recipe! Good luck!
posted by scazza at 1:44 PM on April 3, 2009

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