Wordpress and domain
April 3, 2009 3:58 AM   Subscribe

When you type www.mydomain.com you get to see the homepage of my blog. However, whatever link you click, from articles to adminstration pages etc still go to www.mydomain.webhost.com/article/blah_blah. How do you make this go away?

I got a domain name at namecheap.com, a free webhost at 000webhost.com, installed and configured wordpress.org and imported my contents from wordpress.com

When you put my domain in the address bar www.runningshoesguru.com , you get correctly to the homepage. However, whatever link you click - be it a blog post or an admin page, the address shown becomes http://runningshoesguru.netii.net/somethingelse.

I put the DNS nameserver as the 000webhost ones, i parked my domain on 000webhost (as opposed to url forwarding).

My questions now would be

1) How do I fix this? Do I need to play with Wordpress/MySql or is it a domain/webhost problem ?
2) how do I automatically change all my links within wordpress?
3) will this affect my ranking in search engines at all? I want to index my blog in Google etc, but I want it to be domain.com, and not subdomain.domainhost.com ?
4) further, my old blog at wordpress.com is still there and still appears in google search results. what is the best practice to have people who eventually still get to the old one to go to the new one ?

Thank you all for help!
posted by madeinitaly to Computers & Internet (5 answers total)
Best answer: Enter to Settings>General in Wordpress and check if the addresses in "Wordpress Address (URL)" and "Blog Address (URL)" are the .com domain.
posted by Memo at 4:30 AM on April 3, 2009

Did you follow the instructions for moving your blog? It's more than a case of simply moving the files and data. If you think that might be the issue, check here.
posted by le morte de bea arthur at 4:34 AM on April 3, 2009

Check out this guide. Good Luck.
posted by adamvasco at 5:07 AM on April 3, 2009

I had this problem in wordpress; some links sent me to the sites, others kept me on my domain, like your problem. I found out the ones that kept me there didn't have http:// at the beginning. Apparently just putting www. at the beginning isn't enough. I hope your problem is that simple!
posted by omnigut at 5:34 AM on April 3, 2009

Response by poster: Thank you all for a very quick response !

Changing the info in the dashboard solved half of the problems: all wordpress automated links adjusted magically, only ones i have to fix are the ones I hardcoded in the posts, i guess is same as omnigut's problem? Anyway they are just a bunch so far so I will update manually.
posted by madeinitaly at 6:12 AM on April 3, 2009

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