What are some great, foreign language film clips or scenes ripe for parody subtitling?
March 11, 2009 12:35 PM   Subscribe

Subtitling that "Downfall" clip has been done to death. Are there any other great scenes from foreign films that are ripe for language interpretation?
posted by Unsomnambulist to Media & Arts (3 answers total)
Das Boot. Or anything German, really.
posted by katillathehun at 12:38 PM on March 11, 2009

Don't forget music videos (like this classic "Benny Lava" clip).
posted by BobbyVan at 12:50 PM on March 11, 2009 [1 favorite]

I once edited an SCR(?) file for my own amusement to subtitle the opening scene of Bergman's The Seventh Seal.

Knight: "Who are you?"
Death: "I'm Death."
Knight (shouting): "I SAID, WHO ARE YOU?"

I also wanted to tackle The Passion of Christ (which I haven't seen) so I was guessing at scenes. (It's just a joke, please don't be offended anyone.)

During scene of nailing to cross (in the manner of closed captions for the hard of hearing):

tapping sound
tap tap

Or, when presenting the crown of thorns:

Holder: "Um, well we made you a hat."

My intention was to edit a genuine SCR/SUB file and then upload it without admitting to the edit but lack of time got the better of me.
posted by NailsTheCat at 2:43 PM on March 11, 2009

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