I need a driving instructor who will teach me in my own car!
March 9, 2009 1:32 PM   Subscribe

San Francisco Bay Area Filter: Help me re-learn how to drive!

I'm 26 and haven't driven at all for almost four years (since I moved to the Bay Area). I'm considering getting a car, but would only feel comfortable driving again if I took a driving course (not the drivers' ed stuff, of course, just the driving portion).

There's one catch though. I'm disabled and short-statured due to my disability, so I use pedal extensions and a special seat in the driver's seat. I will look for a car that accommodates both of these modifications. Thus, learning in a "drivers' ed" car typically won't work for me--I need to learn from someone who is comfortable and willing to teach me in my own car. When I took drivers' ed the first time, I learned in my own car, but had one of the special "instructor brakes" temporarily installed in the passenger's side. I'm not sure that this is something that I would be either willing or financially able to do this time around. Will an instructor teach someone with a valid drivers' license who has driven before for several years without having that "safety brake" installed in the car?

Any recommendations for instructors who will do this in the Bay Area (particularly East Bay)? Thanks!
posted by mingodingo to Travel & Transportation around San Francisco, CA (1 answer total)
I think Ann from Fearless Driver can help you.
posted by watercarrier at 2:26 PM on March 9, 2009

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