Same-day laundry service recommendation in Montreal?
March 9, 2009 9:36 AM   Subscribe

I’m taking a one-week vacation in Montreal this May and I want to travel light by bringing four days’ worth of clothes with me instead of seven. So I’m looking for a recommendation for a laundry where I can drop off a few days’ worth of dirty clothes in the morning and pick them up clean later that same day.

I’m staying in a short-term apartment near the Jean-Talon Market (i.e. not in a hotel with its own laundry service), and I’ll have a metro pass for the week. I won’t have ten pounds of laundry, just a few days’ worth of clothes for myself. And I won’t need dry cleaning or any fancy boxing-up, just ordinary machine washing and drying, and perhaps ironing of shirts.

I remember having this done somewhere on avenue Mont-Royal in the Plateau a few years ago for not a lot of money (I could be wrong, but I want to say the place was called simply “Buanderie Mont-Royal”), but last time I came to Montreal I wasn’t able to find it again and ended up doing laundry myself in a laundromat. Not the end of the world by any means, but I would rather have used my vacation time for vacation.

So does anybody know where a tourist with a little bit of French, a couple pounds of clothes, and a metro pass can get his laundry done in Montreal same-day? Thanks in advance, folks.
posted by letourneau to Travel & Transportation around Montreal, QC (7 answers total)

Laundry? Ironing? On vacation?? What if you just wore more casual clothes? :) Cram 5 or 6 t-shirts and a couple pairs of pants into a backpack, and stop at Wal-Mart once you get there to buy whatever supply of underwear and socks you need. Enjoy your vacation, donate the stuff you don't want to the Salvation Army at some point before you leave, and there you go, you spent like $20 and didn't have to jack with a laundromat.
posted by Jinkeez at 9:53 AM on March 9, 2009

Jinkeez, not everyone wants to look like a backpacker on vacation, especially in Montreal. Dropping off a load of laundry isn't exactly a high-stress or time-consuming proposition.

If nobody comes in with a recommendation, look up laundries on Yelp. You'll find something in your neighborhood. How did you arrange the apartment? Can you email the folks who set it up?
posted by barnone at 10:21 AM on March 9, 2009

My mom does the opposite (sort of) of what Jinkeez suggests--she does pre-trip shopping at Salvation Army, then just leaves her cast-offs behind at the hotel, using the extra luggage space for souveniers and such.
posted by MrMoonPie at 10:28 AM on March 9, 2009

- Kanji Laundry will pick-up and drop off anywhere downtown
- Zip Local has lots of listings for laundry in Montreal.
posted by barnone at 10:29 AM on March 9, 2009

This is a pretty common service in Montreal.

Two places I know about are Net Net on Duluth and Buanderie Fairmont on Fairmount.

Closer to where you're staying, I would try a search on "buanderie" and "beaubien" which is a street that I'm pretty sure would have several places with such a service. The two links above are places I know personally and can vouch for. One benefit of the one on Fairmount: you can walk across the street and get bagels from either the best or second-best (depending on point of view) place in Montreal.
posted by mikel at 11:47 AM on March 9, 2009

Response by poster: Thanks for the recommendations so far, barnone and mikel. I’ve done the standard web research (Yelp, Google Maps, etc.) but the info I’ve been finding doesn’t make it clear whether the places I’m finding offer morning-dropoff, same-evening pickup (which I’m hoping for in order not to have to bring an extra day’s clothes). The suggestion of contacting my hosts is a good one too.
posted by letourneau at 3:13 PM on March 9, 2009

Andrew is selling Net Net soon, if not already sold it. Party this Saturday night...
posted by zadcat at 5:10 PM on March 10, 2009

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