'After Midnight' actually plays after midnight.
February 21, 2009 8:39 AM   Subscribe

Is there a playlist creator that will show what TIME a song will be played?

I trying to create a playlist, and given a time that the play list starts, show what time a song will be played? Anyone know if software like this exists?

Something like this:
Start time 7:00
7:00:00 Track1 3:15
7:03:15 Track2 4:00
7:07:15 Track3 2:30
7:09:45 Track 4 etc...

I would also be OK with something that indicated the cumulative time of a playlist at any given point in the sequence.

I looking to create an unattended party mix, with certain songs hitting at certain times.

Bonus Points if this can be integrated with Windows Media 11 since that is the media server for my PS3 which will actually be playing the playlist.
posted by chocolate_butch to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
You could export your playlist from iTunes then do these calculations in Excel pretty easily. I don't know if you can do the same kind of export from Windows Media 11, but you probably can.
posted by crapples at 11:44 AM on February 21, 2009

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