India a save place to visit?
February 13, 2009 8:42 AM   Subscribe

How save is India for travelers?

First off I don't mean to sound insulting, I just don't know the answer here.

My mother might have to travel to India because of her job. Some of my family have been wondering if it is save for her to travel alone there. Is this just a "we do not know much about India/ fear of the unknown" type thing or are there some tougher areas that she would want to avoid? How are their attitudes towards Americans?

posted by Mastercheddaar to Travel & Transportation around India (19 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
What city or area?
posted by kimdog at 8:45 AM on February 13, 2009

I traveled all around India two years ago and I was completely fine. I'm a white American male in my late 20s. I never once got even the slightest hint that anyone cared about my ethnicity, ever. But if you're desperately looking for somewhere to avoid, try the Kashmire region.

Keep your wits about you and practice common travel habits and you'll be as safe as you would be traveling anywhere in North America.

The Indian people are awesome.
posted by nitsuj at 8:47 AM on February 13, 2009

Actually, this should be mentioned: when I talked about safety, I had things like muggings and terrorism and stuff like that in mind. The roads should be considered.

India is extremely congested and the roads very bad. You should never really attempt to drive yourself around, and always where a seatbelt (if such a thing exists in the sluggish contraption you're likely being driven around in) when traveling outside of the cities at higher speeds.

Also be super careful as a pedestrian in the cities. Here's a good guide on the proper way to cross a street in situations found everywhere in India. Move in ways that drivers can anticipate your next move. Flow, don't dart across the street.
posted by nitsuj at 8:51 AM on February 13, 2009

Sean-Paul Kelley of The Agonist is traveling in India right now.
his diary is a very good read and i'm sure he'll answer some basic questions personally. (i hope)
posted by Substrata at 9:07 AM on February 13, 2009

It's highly variable but towards the "rougher" end of the spectrum, if you use basic traveler's common sense then you're fine. Don't leave your valuables in the hotel room, stick to the more populated roads, hang on tight to your bag in crowds, that kind of thing. Western people attract a lot of attention, but it's out of genuine curiosity and the people who approach you mostly have no other agenda. In general, I would say India is much safer for travelers than say Mexico or even the Caribbean.

That having been said, if she's going on business, I expect she will have zero issues whatsoever. Most business travelers stay in big modern hotels that have guards out front and she'll probably be driven everywhere in a private car with someone who will be attentive to her comfort and safety. In fact, I think most business travelers actually miss out on the real India experience because of this.

All bets are off in Mumbai, not because of terrorism or anything but because it's enormous and crowded and Western travelers are an obvious target for scams the way tourists are in any city.

My $0.02 anyway.
posted by Slarty Bartfast at 9:22 AM on February 13, 2009

Also, if for whatever reason--what is her business, anyway? that would offer us some guidance--she needs or wants to take a train: commuter trains have women-only cars, which would protect her from handsy men, and intercity trains have first-class cars that are comfortable (and cheap by Western standards: I paid about $50 to take the overnight from Mumbai to Delhi).
posted by kittyprecious at 9:32 AM on February 13, 2009

I think it is as safe as most places. To find out specifically what you should look out for, you might want to check out your government's Foreign Affairs advice.

Don't know where you are, so:
posted by Gor-ella at 9:34 AM on February 13, 2009

There actually are no-go areas in India like Bihar, but it is unlikely that your mother would be going there unless she works for the UN or something analogous.
posted by goethean at 9:43 AM on February 13, 2009

Response by poster: Thank you all for the advice. I will pass it along to her and the rest of my worrisome family. Are their any interesting things to see over there that are mildly touristy?
posted by Mastercheddaar at 10:19 AM on February 13, 2009

CIA factbook suggests that there is some risk of infectious disease:

degree of risk: high
food or waterborne diseases: bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis A and E, and typhoid fever

posted by juv3nal at 10:35 AM on February 13, 2009

Thank you all for the advice. I will pass it along to her and the rest of my worrisome family. Are their any interesting things to see over there that are mildly touristy?

You're kidding, right?
posted by The Michael The at 10:55 AM on February 13, 2009

More seriously, India is fine. Use common sense, extract yourself from situations before they become uncomfortable, don't drive yourself, you're A-OK. The worst I had from a 6-week trip was some nasty intestinal ickums; nothing some cipro couldn't cure.
posted by The Michael The at 10:57 AM on February 13, 2009

This is purely anecdotal, but I have known three sets of very different people who have had similar situations in a few different Indian cities. None of the males I have known to have gone have had any trouble. Women, however...

A few of my female friends (as well as a set of friends of friends, who studied abroad there) encountered Indian men who were a little overtly fascinated with their white skin and would very openly say sexist and perverse things to them. Some wanted to touch their hair, etc. Perhaps, though, this was part of a uni atmosphere? I have no clue, but they were severely uncomfortable while there, to the point of not wanting to go out much, particularly at night. Your mother's mileage may vary.

If you're sticking to the tourist areas, I think you will be fine. As jub3nal suggested, though, be very careful with the food and water.
posted by metalheart at 11:06 AM on February 13, 2009

Best answer: Speaking of the general traveler, I'd say the most dangerous thing about India is the roadways. When you're traveling outside cities proper, there are truckers who like to drink as they drive, many roads in poor condition, and the random animal/pedestrian who decides to dart out in front of vehicles and create inadvertent chaos. (Props to the gorgeous new freeway system, though -- smooth as buttah!) You can always fly from city to city (Jet Airways has a great safety record and is super swank!), but you miss all the fun of seeing where you're going. Trains are also a fun experience, but the railway system can be a bit intimidating for a newbie, and it's not very fun to take solo, unless she opts for the Ladies' Carriage, in which case she will make a whole load of new friends.

Since we're speaking of your mom, I must add that women face challenges that men do not when traveling in India.

I'm a blond (ie, glaringly foreign) woman who has have traveled extensively in India from the time I was a teenager. Yes, I think it's a safe country. Most folks there are wonderful, friendly, welcoming, concerned (especially when they discover that you are traveling on your own). But I've also traveled to a lot of other countries outside of the "Europe/North America" belt -- many of them in Latin America, supposedly so famous for its 'machismo' cultures -- and let me tell you, I have never encountered as much sexual harassment as I do in India. In the north particularly, "eve teasing," as it is called, is extremely common. Tell your mom to remember this: it's not personal and it's not just because she's a foreigner. Indian women get it as often as foreign women do.

Random tips:

Your mom should not be afraid to scream at an unwanted lothario: in most cases, it will scare him off, and bystanders, alerted to the man's misbehavior, will step forward to help her.

To contradict someone above, I think Mumbai is the safest city in India for a woman on her own. A lot of Mumbaikars I know would agree. (So, for that matter, do most of the Delhiites! Heh.)

If she wants to see a movie on her own, she should choose the super-super-nice theater, the air conditioned one that charges Rs 200 or Rs 300 for a ticket. She should not go to the theater that only charges Rs 40.

If she is flying in to the country at night, she should arrange to stay at a hotel that will send its own car and driver for her, or her company should arrange for one. There have been a couple of tragic incidents in which foreign female tourists were assaulted or killed in Delhi by "official" taxicab drivers.

If she is staying in business hotels, taking taxis arranged for her by her company or the hotel, and sticking with guided tours, she'll be fine. She may have to deal with some uncomfortably penetrating leers, but that's about it.

If she exercises the sort of caution and good sense she would employ in Times Square or Trafalgar Square, the worst that is bound to happen to her is that she will either be a) pickpocketed or b) groped by some passing seventeen year old boy.

And holy god, YES, India has some "mildly touristy" stuff to do and see. The country is RICH with historical sites of interest, has some of the most amazing architecture, art, music and dance in the WORLD, and if she's a shopper, she will find no end of beautiful fabrics, handicrafts, paintings, clothing, jewelry, etc. to buy.

Your mom is very lucky to be getting the chance to go to India. In all my travels, I have never been to another country I found as fascinating, hospitable, and complex.
posted by artemisia at 11:28 AM on February 13, 2009 [4 favorites]

I've traveled alone around India by myself as has my wife - in cities and our in the country.

'Scariest' things: Driving or being driven, crossing the street, food borne disease, being a women alone in a dark alley due to groping.

I would go back again.
posted by bottlebrushtree at 11:40 AM on February 13, 2009

OSAC is a good resource for security-related news and updates on a whole host of countries, including India. Also, be sure to check your country's embassy for updates or alerts.

It really depends on the city or region. In general, India is pretty safe, but I'll second the caution on the roads, and add the rail system as well. I monitor events in India and rail injuries, and less so fatalities, are common. If her trips become frequent I'd suggest staying on top of the local news to get a head's up on upcoming holidays or anniversaries, or political events that may trigger protests. Protests happen a lot, and are usually peaceful, but can turn ugly fairly quick.

Aside from that, just be a savvy traveler, and use a bit of caution.
posted by kjars at 11:50 AM on February 13, 2009

Are their any interesting things to see over there that are mildly touristy?

Uh, yeah, seconding the Taj. If she does nothing else touristy there she should at least see the Taj Mahal. IMO, it's the most beautiful building humans have ever created or will likely ever create. So. See that.
posted by 6550 at 12:34 PM on February 13, 2009

Some small points.

India is like Europe - the whole of Europe. Endless diversity and variety, different languages, religions and customs from state to state. So What applies to one part of the country might not apply to another.

At times she might feel a little threatened or unsafe because of cultural differences to do with thins like eye contact and "personal space". In the West, we feel we've got "air space" around us, and it's an act of aggression to have that personal space violated. In India, that's not the case. So, people might tug on her sleeve to get her attention, or stand very close to her in a manner that she's not comfortable with. 99.99% of the time no harm or offense is meant by this.

As far as concerns crime, I've experienced some petty theft on the railways, and in all instances it's been opportunist. Don't leave a bag open on the seat next to you. That's sensible advice on the Tube as much as it is in India, but it bears repeating because on those long train journeys you get to feel "at home" and forgetful about things like that. If your mother is taking a long train journey, she'll see vendors selling lengths of chain and padlocks at the stations. Worth buying one of each to attach your bag to the luggage rack.

There's so much to see that it's impossible to even know where to start. But outside Delhi, Calcutta and Mumbai, a tour of the "Golden triangle" covering Jaipur (palace of the winds, Jantar Mantar observatory), Agra (Taj Mahal) and Fatehpur Sikri might be a good place to start.

In general, it's an incredible country, and the kindness, hospitality and generosity of its people are a wonder of the world.
posted by WPW at 12:59 PM on February 13, 2009

I'm from India. On the whole, we're a pretty safe place, but if she is visibly 'foreign' she might make an easier target for the scamsters here.

Agree with pretty much everything artemisia and WPW said. If you can give me more specifics as to where she'll be, I can give you site-specific info and tourist spots, because India is so huge you could spend a lifetime here and still not see everything there is. Feel free to MeMail me.
posted by Tamanna at 7:04 PM on February 13, 2009

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