Simple web slide show
February 4, 2009 6:19 AM   Subscribe

I have been asked to set up a slide show on a web site belonging to a friend. The specifications for the slide show are similar to, but less stringent, than those listed in this AskMeFi post

  1. Captions are not needed
  2. The images need not be linkable to a user-defined URL.
  3. No need for a mouseover pause.
  4. No need for a fade effect.
A simple, embeddable slide show utility that simply reads its list of image files from a directory on a web server and displays them in a horizontal scroll would do the trick. We'd like to avoid the need to edit HTML or Javascript code every time the contents of the slide show change. Not picky about technology; DHTML, Javascript, or Flash would be just ducky. A free script is, of course, to be preferred.

Any thoughts?


posted by zainsubani to Computers & Internet (6 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
We use Lightbox at work for simple image galleries all the time.
posted by Happy Dave at 7:33 AM on February 4, 2009

Response by poster: Lightbox doesn't appear to be a slide show -- it shows individual images, but does not cycle through a set of images. Or am I missing something?
posted by zainsubani at 8:28 AM on February 4, 2009

posted by mysterious1der at 8:45 AM on February 4, 2009

Response by poster: Constructing and/or editing a Powerpoint presentation every time the slides change is a level of complication I would prefer to avoid.
posted by zainsubani at 9:02 AM on February 4, 2009

phpslideshow seems to do everything you're asking.
posted by chazlarson at 10:19 AM on February 4, 2009 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: phpslideshow looks like it may be an excellent fit, and I'll be testing it out. Thanks, chazlarson!
posted by zainsubani at 11:37 AM on February 4, 2009

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