Internet/Tech Industry in Buffalo, NY?
January 14, 2009 12:56 PM   Subscribe

What is the environment like for Internet/techie types in Buffalo, NY?

I'll soon be moving to sunny Buffalo and I'm interested in any information the hive might have regarding Internet/tech-related professional organizations, tech companies small and large and any other sorts of things that might make an Internet developer gone semi-management feel at home. Both full-on nerd and more business-y information is welcome.

I've read some stuff about the much vaunted (between 1999 and 2002) Buffalo Byte Belt, but haven't seen much recent information. Is there more than frayed fiber sticking out of the ground these days?
posted by rocketpup to Work & Money (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
You might be interested in checking out InfoTech Niagara and maybe Buffalo's InfraGard chapter. Both are very active groups and contain a mix of techie and business type individuals, which provides for excellent networking opportunities.

Also, be sure to check out Buffalo Business First for everything business related in Buffalo.
posted by LightMayo at 6:34 PM on January 14, 2009

I felt badly that you didn't get more answers. I'm in the library field, but for the most part libraries are not where the tech jobs are, here. I see positions for programmers and sysadmins at colleges, banks, and places like Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Though there are some start-ups, like anywhere, I would not say it is a start-up kind of town, particularly at the moment. It's also not a great place to do freelancing--I have a background in indexing, database creation and management, and other tech-type skills, but can only ever find opportunities based in other cities.

But Buffalo is good, and we should have a meetup (dare we try again?) when you're in town.
posted by Riverine at 6:09 PM on January 17, 2009

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