Was this disturbing ad a real Allstate commercial?
December 29, 2008 2:18 PM   Subscribe

"Some children don't wear helmets. Some children don't have heads." Was this a real Allstate commercial?

I have a very vague memory of, some years ago, seeing a bizarre Allstate Insurance commercial. At first it seemed to be rather typical - Dennis Haysbert (or some spokesman - I believe it was him) standing in the middle of an empty street holding a child's bicycle helmet. But the tagline was completely absurd: "Some children don't wear helmets. Some children don't have heads."

Googling reveals no other mention of this commercial - obviously I was the only one so disturbed! So I ask - was this a real commercial? Was it an SNL skit? A dream? Bonus points if it's available to watch somewhere online.
posted by punchdrunkhistory to Media & Arts 2 users marked this as a favorite
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