The Chunder Queen
November 23, 2008 8:52 PM   Subscribe

I have a very weak stomach when it comes to alcohol. Help me not embarrass myself on my 21st birthday!

I throw up a lot, compared to everyone I know. It's been that way for years- it just doesn't take much for me to vomit. I throw up when I get mild headaches, I throw up when I get dehydrated, I threw up after moshing in the streets when Obama won, and I throw up when I drink. More often than not, if I have more than four drinks or so, I wind up throwing up at the end of the night. I don't think that 5-6 drinks is an unreasonable amount for a 130lb girl to drink over the course of a night... and yet, it's enough to make me vomit. My friends have remarked about this before, and while it's kind of embarrassing, it's never bothered me enough to actually look into a solution. I only get that drunk maybe once every two or three months, if that- I'll usually just have a couple of beers at parties.

Well... on Tuesday I'm turning 21. I'm going to a bar on Monday night, and people are going to be buying me drinks. My friend's birthday was a few weeks ago, and he wound up with five drinks in front of him pretty much immediately after midnight. I'm not necessarily averse to drinking that much, but I'm worried about throwing up in the bar.

So, my question is, is there any way to control my weak stomach? Obviously I don't have time to slowly acclimate myself before the event- I suspect my fairly infrequent drinking is part of the reason I throw up- so...

Do I eat something special beforehand?
Is there a specific drink or type of drink I should get?
How about a type of drink I should avoid?
Other ideas?

I know I have the option of just refusing drinks, as mentioned in an askme a few weeks ago, so if there's no other way to control my excessive vomiting, that's what I'll do. But honestly, I would like the option of just getting ripped every now and then without the undignified denouement.
posted by showbiz_liz to Food & Drink (39 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I don't think that 5-6 drinks is an unreasonable amount for a 130lb girl to drink over the course of a night...

Vomiting after 5-6 drinks isn't a weak stomach, it's a healthy one.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 9:01 PM on November 23, 2008 [9 favorites]

I'm a 200 lbs guy and I would not have 5-6 drinks at a bar in one night.
posted by 517 at 9:05 PM on November 23, 2008

It might be prudent to stop and consider what your goal is when drinking. If it's to have an enjoyable time, and you don't enjoy throwing up consider stopping at 4 drinks. If your goal is to get fall down drunk, it looks like you are going to have to making throwing up part of your drinking routine. If it's to impress your friends with how much you can drink - you might want to consider if that's really important to them.
posted by bigmusic at 9:06 PM on November 23, 2008

Drink a lot of water afterward and take some Tylenol.

Do NOT mix acetaminophen with alcohol.

I heard during TIPS training that you should eat protein before/during consuming alcohol to slow the rate of absorption, but I don't remember why.

Stick to one type of drink throughout the night--don't mix beer and liquor, don't mix clear and dark liquors, etc. Especially avoid overly sugary drinks like wine coolers or anything neon colored.

If your friends already know you get sick from drinking easily, they'll hold off plying you with alcohol if you remind them.
posted by cosmic osmo at 9:11 PM on November 23, 2008

Do NOT mix acetaminophen with alcohol.

Yeah, my apologies, when I was posting that it sounded a bit off. Disregard, please.
posted by Solon and Thanks at 9:12 PM on November 23, 2008

Don't make every drink an alcoholic one. Drink a big glass of water between drinks. And as with every indulgence, stop when it stops feeling good.
posted by Sara Anne at 9:13 PM on November 23, 2008

Consequences being liver failure, by the way - I don't know what I was thinking of ahh.
posted by Solon and Thanks at 9:14 PM on November 23, 2008

Okay -- it's your 21st. You're gonna get drunk. I know I did. (and I'm canadian... so my 21st is actually pretty meaningless!). You'd rather not puke. I get it. Whether or not 5-6 drinks is too much is another question.

Eat lots. Keep eating all night. Make sure you always have something in your stomach to absorb the alcohol -- starchy things are good.
Drink water. At least a glass every two drinks.
Advil is your friend. Tylenol is bad when you're drinking. But don't overdo it. A couple before you go to bed will be enough.
Drink beer, or mixed drinks, or wine. Pick the one you're most familiar with, and stick with it. Don't mix your alcohols.
No shots. They add up waaaaay too fast. But people will buy them for you anyway. Remember -- these people want you drunk. It's funny to them if you puke. If you're gonna do a shot or two, sip a glass of water afterwards -- make it last as long as a beer would.

Most important -- enjoy your birthday! :)
posted by cgg at 9:19 PM on November 23, 2008

Shots are stupid. Everyone will want to buy them for you, but they're stupid. You don't get a chance to figure out how they're affecting you, and your enjoyment of them only lasts a few seconds.

When you're eating beforehand, go for protein as well as a bit of fried stuff. There's a reason that kind of food is so popular. If you can find some sort of fish fry or burger, that's probably good.

Yes, yes, yes on the alternating water and drinks thing. Two-fist it with your drink and a glass of water if you can.

Prepare yourself by adequately hydrating throughout the day before you go out. My voice teacher always told us to think about eight hours ahead when we tried to make sure we were properly hydrated.
posted by Madamina at 9:21 PM on November 23, 2008

start drinking early. Have a drink 2 hours before the party starts. This will allow your body to really prime the pump, and make tons of alcohol dehydrogenase (alcohol digesting enzyme in your liver). When you really start hitting the sauce hard, your body will be ready to go - before your first drink!

However, in my opinion, it isn't worth it to not get embarrassed. You will puke, over and over and over. You won't be judged for losing your dinner on the sidewalk, you will be judged if you decide to beg someone to take you home at 11:00, and thus ruin everyone's night. In this light, the key is to Boot, and rally! don't be that guy!

Also, buy 2 bottles of gatorade. chug half of one the first night, finish the rest in the morning. If you have a morning anything like some of our worst mornings, you are going to need it. Also, a pre-rented movie or two might help. It will facilitate the non-moving, headachy morning you are going to have. Have fun!
posted by wuzandfuzz at 9:26 PM on November 23, 2008

Ginger ale is famous for soothing sensitive stomachs and is excellent to mix with booze.
posted by hortense at 9:28 PM on November 23, 2008

Plenty of water.
Nurse your drinks -- just because a drink is in front of you doesn't mean you have to pound it. Take some time with it.
Plenty of water.
Don't drink on an empty stomach.
Plenty of water.
Switch over to maintenance drinks early. A drink like a midori sour doesn't really have a lot of alcohol in it, but be careful with it because the sweet and sour gives some people indigestion.
Plenty of water.
Snack on something between drinks. It'll keep you occupied and you'll drink more slowly.

Did I mention plenty of water?

Also, know when to say no. You'll be expected to do a couple of shots. Do them early and get them out of the way. Try to steer clear of the shots made purely from hard liquor.

If you know anyone with a decent alcohol selection at home, and you don't already know what you like, see if you can sit down and just taste a couple of things. Better if you know someone who knows how to make some basic drinks. You don't want to find out you can't stomach tequila right after you down a shot.
posted by mikesch at 9:39 PM on November 23, 2008

Response by poster: Vomiting after 5-6 drinks isn't a weak stomach, it's a healthy one.

I suppose I should mention that I know 5-6 drinks is a lot, but still, no one I know throws up after having that much. For everyone else I've talked to, throwing up is associated with nasty blacked-out drunkenness and is much more uncommon, and I know some people who never throw up at all from drinking.
posted by showbiz_liz at 9:43 PM on November 23, 2008

Vomiting after 5-6 drinks isn't a weak stomach, it's a healthy one.

To elaborate on your comment: if there's no other way to control my excessive vomiting. Your body is vomiting because you have ingested more alcohol than it can process. The alcohol is a toxin in your system, and your body is trying to remove it. So, in this case, the vomiting is not excessive, it is necessary.

That being said, vomiting once in the near presence of your friends is probably going to hurt your ego more than your body so long as you don't make it a regular practice. You might decide for your 21st birthday to go just a big overboard in recognition of this retarded alcholish custom. On the other hand, biding your time and practicing moderation is also a wonderful option.

By the way, back when I had friends who drank, I noticed that they often encouraged me to drink, and to drink more. I myself enjoy the odd drink, and I do like getting mildly tipsy from time to time (these days, with generally at least a month break between drinks [I went a little crazy this month and had an extra drink on Election day, yay Obama], 2 drinks is as much as I can drink and still be relatively normal). However, there's no reason to get sloshed, none whatsoever.

All that nonsense being said, is it normal for someone to throw up a lot when not doing anything particularly self-destructive? I especially don't see how moshing would make you throw up unless you'd consumed a lot of food before hand. If you throw up for no "good" reason frequently, maybe this is something you should bring before a doctor?
posted by Deathalicious at 9:43 PM on November 23, 2008

seconding all of that stuff, also 21st birthdays are highly overrated. realistically you dont even need to drink that much to have fun :)save the tequila for another day!!!
posted by docmccoy at 9:44 PM on November 23, 2008

no one I know throws up after having that much.

Hi, my name is Deathalicious, and I throw up after four-five drinks.
posted by Deathalicious at 9:45 PM on November 23, 2008 [3 favorites]

no one I know throws up after having that much

How about taking some lightweights with you on your 21st? Or at least some people with normal stomachs, so you're not surrounded by people who can't relate to "I can't have any more or I'm going to be sick!"
posted by Solon and Thanks at 9:48 PM on November 23, 2008

I'm a girl your size and I survived a LOT of booze on my 21st. Here are some tips:

1. Eat a big meal before you go out. With lots and lots of bread.
2. Drink a lot of water. As in, have a glass of water after every shot or drink. It will help keep you hydrated as well as pace your alcohol intake.
3. Avoid shots of pure booze i.e. whiskey and tequila- that's the express train to Vomit City, right there.
4. People will want to buy your drinks. Think of a couple lower alcohol shots your like and request those. Alabama slammers are easy to drink and tasty. Or request a beer (light beer the IPAs for a night when you're only having one or two).
5. I completely disagree with wuxandfuzz's recommendation to start drinking early. Do not do this. The later you start drinking, the later you'll be able to stay out celebrating.
6. I barfed halfway through my 21st b-day, right after two shots of whiskey (see rule #3). The boot and rally ain't classy, but it has its time and place, and no one saw me save for one close friend. If you have to barf, just make sure you make it to the bathroom first.
7. I'll spare you the binge drinking lecture, but just make sure you have a couple close friends who will watch out for you who are with you the entire night.

Have fun and happy birthday!
posted by emd3737 at 9:52 PM on November 23, 2008

When dealing with these kind of social situations I find it's best to take control of the situation that you know is coming. When you are headed out, or meet up with your friends, before you take the first drink, say something like "It's my birthday, and it's awesome that you guys are out to have fun with me. I'm drinking tonight (legally!) and I want to have a lot of fun. But I don't want to hurt from it. Please respect that I need to keep it slow and enjoy it."

Phrase it any way you like, but if your friend are anything other than meat heads, they will be ok with you wanting to actually have fun instead of getting sick.

That said, if you vomit so often, maybe it's not a big deal to you in a controlled environment. Perhaps a trip to the bathroom after that shot you shouldn't have taken could be the good timing you need to clear the system and get back out there. Most people feel much better after a good tossing. A little travel size mouthwash might be a good thing to have with you...
posted by davathar at 10:08 PM on November 23, 2008 [1 favorite]

I don't think that 5-6 drinks is an unreasonable amount for a 130lb girl to drink over the course of a night... and yet, it's enough to make me vomit. My friends have remarked about this before, and while it's kind of embarrassing, it's never bothered me enough to actually look into a solution.

Drinking insane amounts of liquor isn't one of your gifts.

Don't feel bad. There are much better gifts in this world.

Stick to 3-4 drinks. Nurse them. Make each drink last as long as possible.

Don't finish the last drink. Drink half, hold on to it and use it to fend off the people who keep pushing drinks on you. "Nope. Sorry. Still working on this one."
posted by jason's_planet at 11:00 PM on November 23, 2008

I have a easy puke reflex too, and though my battle cry has long been "PUKE AND RALLY!" I can tell you that ginger is a help, and pepto bismol is a help, but marijuana is a cure. Just one little puff. YMMV.

Don't go to the toilet to puke. Because you will. And stick to drinks with carbonation. Definitely eat a healthy dinner, and I would say something "heavy," like a burrito.

Are you puking because you're tanked, with the spins? Then you really should stop drinking. If you're just weirdly puking out of nowhere (I know this phenomenon), and you've gotta do it, just sneak off, barf like a grownup, gargle, drink water, chew gum, something, and comb your hair. That is the PUKE AND RALLY.
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 11:17 PM on November 23, 2008

Weak drinks is a great tip. Tequila Rose on ice, Bailey's on ice, Malibu rum and coke... or get beers and nurse them. You won't be pressured to take more shots if you're obviously still working on a beer.
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 11:21 PM on November 23, 2008

Beer before wine = fine.
Wine before beer = fear.

Or maybe it should be after, I forget.
posted by robotot at 11:40 PM on November 23, 2008

It's quite simple.

A glass of water for every drink. Starting the first drink. Don't wait until drink #4 to start or it won't work.

My smaller, lighter-than-me SO has been able to consistently drink me under a table--I mean every single time, for the past... like... 6 years--because she has always followed the glass-per rule like a machine and I, idiot that I am, don't.
posted by Civil_Disobedient at 11:46 PM on November 23, 2008 [1 favorite]

I weigh what you do, and I'd most certainly throw up after 6 drinks. Seriously, even in my hardcore drinking days (a/k/a grad school), 6 drinks would probably put me under the table. In fact, I think I had my one and only blackout after less than that. You don't need to have 6 alcoholic drinks in a night. You really, really don't.

Anyway. Alternate alcoholic beverages with non-alcoholic -- soda water with a wedge of lime is perfect. And sip, don't swig. You'll have more fun and be a lot safer if you're not blind drunk. Trust me on that one. I speak from experience that makes me wince even now, more than 15 years later.
posted by scody at 12:46 AM on November 24, 2008

I recently was the recipient of a celebratory pub crawl after I left my job (it's a tradition). Technically, over the 8-hour crawl (we're serious about this stuff), I had about ten drinks. Anyone watching me closely would have thought it was much more. Three secrets. One, a huge greasy burger for dinner with lots of fries, and occasional barfood requested throughout the rest of the night. Two, Magner's hard cider in the large (20 oz?) bottles. The bottles are opaque enough that you can be "drinking" (tipping it back, appearing to swallow) without actually swallowing anything, and no one can tell. (I was only about 1/3 the way through it by the time we left that bar, and most of my friends had had two drinks in that time). Three, scorpion bowls. Normally these are dangerous, but when you have several people going at them and you are just sober enough to be careful of what you're doing, you can be "drinking" (sucking through the straws enough to draw the pretty red liquid up through them) but not actually swallowing much before it's the next person's turn.

This relies on them also being drunk and social with each other, so they're not egging you on and watching you drink closely the whole time, but it does cut down on how much you're drinking versus what you appear to be doing.

I had one hell of a hangover the next day, but I never got sick... and these work colleagues of mine have previously had the honor of getting me drunk enough to be sick, so they are quite capable of it.
posted by olinerd at 3:34 AM on November 24, 2008

I think you have to consider the source of the answer. Ask Metafilter clearly has a population of folks who are of above average intelligence [insert rebuttal here] and who are not of the fraternity drinking sort. This is not about whether 5-6 drinks over 4 or 5 hours is excessive. "Friends" of mine could easily have 10-12 beers over the course of an evening and not puke. Sure they would be drunk, but puking would not happen.

This is about your stomach and how quick it is to puke anything. You mentioned in your question you puke in other situations than just when you have a couple of drinks. There is nothing you can do between now and your 21st birthday that will drastically change your stomach's tolerance. On the one hand eating bread and protein (cheeseburger) would help some, but on the other hand it is just more fuel to be tossed.

I would instead plan for my puke and even consider proactively doing so. Step outside to have a "smoke" and puke in the alley. Go to the bathroom and let one go before you have to. And, it is your 21st birthday. Have some fun and puke. I say that with the knowledge that puking is not necessarily about drinking for you. Do have a wing man to stop you when you are puking because of the alcohol not because of your weak stomach.
posted by JohnnyGunn at 4:03 AM on November 24, 2008 [1 favorite]

It doesn't sound like there is any particular method you can use to avoid throwing up, if so many things trigger it for you. And different drinks hit each person differently. General guidelines that seem valid in my friends and may help a little
-don't drink wine.
-eat something before drinking. Like pasta, bread - something to slow down the absorption of alcohol.
-maybe try taking Berocca or something before drinking (I haven't seen evidence that it works, but if nothing else it's extra fluid).
-avoid fizzy drinks, being full of gas can't help. This doesn't mean 'all carbonated beverages', but you'd probably be better going for post-mix drinks than premix (containers) if there's a choice, because they should be slightly flatter.

But overall, I think it depends whether you Don't Want To Puke, or Don't Want To Embarrass Yourself. Because to not throw up, it sounds like you'll have to not drink. To not embarrass yourself, you'll just need to follow JohnnyGunn's advice and work around it.
posted by jacalata at 4:33 AM on November 24, 2008

A friend of mine is having a birthday party soonish and requested that in lieu of buying her drinks, people could donate to a charity. This may be a bit hard to swing on your 21st, but an idea if you don't want to drink till puking.
posted by pised at 4:34 AM on November 24, 2008

[...] but marijuana is a cure. Just one little puff. YMMV.

My God, no. Nothing makes me puke faster than being plastered and deciding it would be awesome to smoke a joint.

But yeah. Lots of food and water throughout the evening. If you can, have a bunch of little snacks as you go instead of one ginormous meal right before you hit the bars. Some peanuts here, a slice of pizza there, etc.

Also agree that you should avoid straight liquor (makes your stomach go ouch) and also lots of beer (makes you bloated and tired). Wine, maybe? Mixed drinks that aren't hugely sugary?

If you're dancing or doing something else other than just sitting around drinking, you'll probably end up having less. So do something fun while you drink.
posted by DLWM at 4:54 AM on November 24, 2008 [1 favorite]

start drinking early. Have a drink 2 hours before the party starts.

At the risk of sounding like a complete alcoholic .... I'd advise starting even earlier.

When I was younger some friends and I would 'drink all day' ... which doesn't really mean pounding beers from the get-go, but having one every hour starting in the afternoon ... by the time night comes your blood seems to adjust to it. Anyways, in the end I found on several occasions that no matter how drunk I got, I didn't puke, and felt fine the next day as a bonus.
posted by mannequito at 5:11 AM on November 24, 2008

One thing I have never understood about drinking, is how many people think they aren't REALLY drinking or REALLY having fun until they've ignored all the signals from their body telling them that it's had enough, and are rolling around on the floor in agony.

You're going to have to listen to your stomach. It will win virtually every time.

I have a low, low tolerance for alcohol. I would be falling-down drunk long before 5-6 drinks. I am far from alone here. It is not the number of drinks you have that makes you truly sloshed, but how drunk you are. So, if I had 5-6 drinks, I would be very sick, and wouldn't be having any fun anymore. On the other hand, if I'd stuck to a lower number, I would still be having fun, and not puking everywhere (I also have a sensitive stomach.)

Why don't you let the amount of fun you are having determine how many drinks you have, rather than holding yourself to an arbitrary number of drinks you must ingest? If your fun starts diminishing because your stomach can't take it, then slow down, or stop.
posted by Coatlicue at 6:25 AM on November 24, 2008 [1 favorite]

I also have a weak stomach and used to do the puke and rally. Really it depends on why you are puking. As long as i wasn't dizzy with the spins and it was just my stomach reacting I was good to keep drinking. For me sticking to one drink helps as does avoiding anything too sweet or anything with dairy in it. I find a steak dinner beforehand helps as does lots of water.

Pace yourself. I weigh less than you and I can do 5-6 drinks if i have a drink an hour. You really don't have to be knocking them back really quick. You don't actually have to finish every drink that gets handed to you. . You can just drink the top 1/2 or 2/3 of the drink and set it down when someone hands you a fresh one. You can just leave them on the table, hand them to the waiter or pass them off to a friend. This way everybody feels good that they bought you a drink and you drank it.

Good luck and happy 21st.
posted by captaincrouton at 7:50 AM on November 24, 2008

Have some milk before, that coats your stomach. You definitely want to eat a decent meal but not so much that you are too full.

Clear alcohols (gin, vodka, etc, as opposed to dark rum) are easier for the body to process. I also recommend sticking with one type of alcohol all night. Also, don't drink super sweet fruity drinks.

I'd be upfront and say "hey guys, go easy on the lightweight!". If you bring it up, then you are in control.

Then again, I'm pretty sure I puked on my 21st.
posted by radioamy at 8:44 AM on November 24, 2008

My God, no. Nothing makes me puke faster than being plastered and deciding it would be awesome to smoke a joint.

...or a cigarette. If you don't normally smoke, then stay away from the cigarettes on party night. A cigarette after you've had a few drinks= instant spins.

If you don't want to get too drunk, start out with a couple of strong drinks early in the evening and get a little bit of a buzz on, then maintain that buzz throughout the night by drinking one drink roughly every hour.
posted by The Light Fantastic at 10:43 AM on November 24, 2008

Don't worry about drinking too much on your 21st. If you care about that sort of thing, drink only enough to have a good time with it. If that means 1 or 2 drinks, don't worry about it.

The fun is in the ability to go to the bar and get carded, and be able to drink. Honestly, who cares how much you drink?

Make them 2 amazing drinks, and very different drinks:
1 beer - My favorite is Yuengling
1 sweet drink - Appletini (at a 1:2 ratio of 1 part Vodka : 2 parts Sour Apple Liqueur... less alcohol per drink than on the site) or Hot Apple Pie would probably get my vote for this one.

Be sure to drink plenty of water (to keep you hydrated) and eat a good, non-greasy meal beforehand. Stay away from other drugs, that some of the people here were suggesting. I have no experience with the illegal ones, but I would discourage both them and the simple ones like advil or tylenol.

Sure, drinking a lot could be fun, but not getting sick is much better. Trust me on this one. The fewer, lighter, drinks you have the better.
posted by Political Funny Man at 2:40 PM on November 24, 2008

I think I agree with some other posters that it sounds like you will puke, no matter what. If you are THAT sensitive, you'll probably barf after a few, never mind five or six.

Have you ah, seen a doctor about this? Just in general, not drink-related.
posted by jenfullmoon at 2:42 PM on November 24, 2008

Honey, at three drinks in one night (over three hours), my friends start hoping to see me puke. Be who you are. Don't pretend to be the kind of drinker you aren't. You become what you pretend to be. And being someone who drinks 5-6 drinks in a night is...expensive.

Seriously, I went out, had a beer at 930, drank a glass of water, started another beer at 1030 and then had a shot of whiskey placed in front of me later. (Had I seen it coming, I would have run to the bathroom to dodge, but it was there.) I threw it back and immediately played up the weak stomach. Very theatrical, hand waving, eye closing, lip pursing, shhhh sounds. My deal is that everybody knows I'm a cheap date and we all get a laugh out of it.

What I'm more concerned about for you (and others who are drinking any amounts of alcohol) is that you have a ride home. A sober ride home. I don't mean the least drunk person in the crowd, or that the person who drove you out stops drinking "earlier" than everyone else. I mean, catch a fucking taxi, or drink in places that you can walk to from home.
posted by bilabial at 1:28 PM on November 25, 2008

It's your night; control what happens, you don't have to drink, and if your friends want/expect you to vomit then they aren't your friends. Have a drink, drink some water, eat, maybe some soda (you can get just come cola in a rocks glass so people think you're drinking coke and bourbon or whatever) and focus on having a good time. When people worry about vomiting they make themselves much more likely to do just that!
posted by oxford blue at 4:24 AM on November 26, 2008

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