Who pays for the groom's cake?
November 17, 2008 2:48 PM   Subscribe

Who pays for the groom's cake?
posted by warriorengineer to Society & Culture (9 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Whomever is paying for the rest of the reception.
posted by ocherdraco at 3:04 PM on November 17, 2008

The bride, according to this. "Intended to be a gift from the bride to the groom..."
posted by meerkatty at 3:05 PM on November 17, 2008

Response by poster: It is being served at the reception. It is usually chocolate, but being as the wedding cake is chocolate, the grooms cake is sweet cream flavored with fresh Louisiana strawberries in it.
posted by warriorengineer at 3:12 PM on November 17, 2008

Yes, bride, but really, put everyone's money in the pot and don't worry about who's actually paying for what. (We didn't have a groom's cake, is that bad?)
posted by dpx.mfx at 3:43 PM on November 17, 2008

In my experience it is rolled in with all the other expenses of the reception. Traditionally the responsibility of the brides family. A modern view might see this as pointless since in many more modern couples both of them pay for the wedding and reception.
posted by Megafly at 4:01 PM on November 17, 2008

A) The person who thought the groom's cake was a must.
B) The person who placed the order for said cake.

Sounds delicious.
posted by sageleaf at 4:31 PM on November 17, 2008

The person who decided there ought to be a groom's cake. No one is obligated to pay for anything they didn't offer to pay for, wedding or otherwise.
posted by decathecting at 7:21 PM on November 17, 2008

Response by poster: I, nor anyone in the planning process has been to a wedding without one. maybe its just because we're from NOLA, but they're pretty standard. you really don't not have them around here. This is a very traditional wedding (as most here in Louisiana are) and the bride's parents are paying for the reception. They are forking over a ton of money, so anything that they shouldn't pay for will be happily covered by myself, my parents, the bride, the groomsmen... whoever is supposed to pay for it. The brides parents will apy for it is their traditional responsibility, but they don't seem to believe it is.
posted by warriorengineer at 9:00 AM on November 18, 2008

Just because you are having a traditional wedding, it doesn't mean you have to have to hold to 'all' traditions. (Do you plan to break the wedding cake over your bride's head?)

Serve the groom's cake at the rehearsal dinner & pay for it out of your side of the budget.
posted by jaimystery at 10:40 AM on November 18, 2008

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