We got to pray just to make it today
September 22, 2008 3:09 PM   Subscribe

Where can I attend free High Holiday services in the SF East Bay?

I have attended free services in San Francisco the past few years, but I'm living in the East Bay now. Looking for Reform, Reconstructionist, or similarly liberal services on the morning or day of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, not in the evening. And it's gotta be free.
posted by gnutron to Religion & Philosophy (2 answers total)
If you were ever a member of a Jewish youth group, Project Reconnect is a good place to find free tickets for most any synagogue for the High Holidays.
posted by foodgeek at 3:50 PM on September 22, 2008

Best answer: Jewish Gateways has one in the East Bay

There are services in Golden Gate Park (not free, but only $5)
posted by The Light Fantastic at 4:32 PM on September 22, 2008

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