Does Stop Sweating and Start Living Work?
November 28, 2006 8:30 AM   Subscribe

Does Stop Sweating and Start Living Work?

Stop Sweating and Start Living is an ebook by Mike Ramsey that helps cure severe underarm sweating. It worked great for my underarm sweating, but now I see that Mike has another book that is for sweating on other areas of the body. He didn't have this book when I got Stop Sweating and Start Living and I'm wondering if anyone has read it. I'm particularly interested in hand sweating. Thanks in advance.
posted by jimjohnson to Health & Fitness (5 answers total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: don't post fake questions to drive sales on your website

Amazingly, Mr Ramsey includes FREE at no extra cost at a book on other kinds of sweating!!! It's called 'No-Sweat'. (about halfway down the page I link here).

But then, if you bought his other e-book, you'll know that. Perhaps someone else can supply a book you won't already have read.
posted by altolinguistic at 8:47 AM on November 28, 2006

Something smells funny ... and I don't think it's your hands.
posted by Alt F4 at 8:50 AM on November 28, 2006

Oh, I see you're asking if anyone's read it - you seem quite friendly with Mr Ramsey, perhaps you could ask him for a copy of this book which now ships free with the original book? I'm sure he wouldn't want to lose you as a valued customer.

PS I wonder if $29.95 for a 14-page book is a record in terms of cents per page?
posted by altolinguistic at 9:09 AM on November 28, 2006

Oh, and you might wish to look at this discussion of the author's work.
posted by altolinguistic at 9:09 AM on November 28, 2006

hmmm....seems the esteemed "jimjohnson" spends a great deal of time talking about Mike Ramsey, sweat czar's book:

Google search for jimjohnson sweat

smell that? that's not sweat, that's banhammer
posted by cosmicbandito at 9:16 AM on November 28, 2006

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