How to continue the fun in Oahu
August 8, 2008 3:49 PM

Oahu filter: If you could only hike once, where would you go; where would you buy tiki objects to bring back with you (some sort of cross between cheap and beautiful?); and is tonight, 08/08/08, special in Chinatown?

So I'm going hiking tomorrow or Sunday, I need to buy some tiki presents for some people in New York (not really wanting to spend more than $40 on each one, less if possible), and I would like to go out tonight.

Previously I posted this question. Update; I almost killed the new guy in her life, but didn't. Came here, made this photo, and then had an amazing time going from Smith's, to Amy's, to O'Toole's, back to Smith's, to Bar 35, across the road to the Golden Gate Lounge (against the advice of many), then onto the bus to fall asleep outside the dreadful SeƱor Frog's. A good night. Repeat tonight?
posted by omnigut to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (7 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Oh, and I'm thinking of starting tonight off at Hawaiian Brian's Pool Hall. Probably going around 5pm, spend a couple of hours there, and then off to wherever the wind (or Metafilter) takes me. If you'd like to come, email me
posted by omnigut at 3:50 PM on August 8, 2008

My two favorite hikes on Oahu are closed. Sacred falls and Ka'au crater. You can find them if you're resourceful enough, and they are both great. If you go to Ka'au crater, be sure to stop by the Korean Buddhist temple nearby, which is tolerant of guests. Just be respectful and quiet.

Unfortunately I have a birthday party to go to tonight and I think we are going to be pay-per-viewing the UFC tomorrow, but if we do wind up going to the bar instead I'll shoot you a memail.
posted by GooseOnTheLoose at 4:22 PM on August 8, 2008

The streets in Chinatown will all be closed off tonight for the Triple-8 Street Festival. They'll be showing the opening ceremonies of the Olympics on a 20 foot screen.

Dude, I live exactly 1 block from Hawaiian Brians! But I'm under house arrest nursing a horrible virus, and there is no place I'd rather be than in my bed in a fetal position. Otherwise, I'd totally be in for a few hours of 9-ball.
posted by melorama at 4:54 PM on August 8, 2008

Thanks for the tips, Goose. What, in your opinion, does "dangerous" mean? For a lonesome traveler with little hiking experience (but in good shape; healthy, strong, fit etc). I checked out a few review of the hike, including this video. Looks amazing, and would love to do it. But "dangerous"? I'm willing to take the chance that another landslide won't happen. Is the danger just that it's not groomed?

posted by omnigut at 5:06 PM on August 8, 2008

I'm going out in under an hour. Probably not taking my computer. Anyone?

posted by omnigut at 7:27 PM on August 8, 2008

Sacred falls should be fine. They just say that so that they don't have to take any responsibility for any mishaps. You'll know you're on the trail when you see the "restricted area" signs all over. Heh. It's also far shorter than Ka'au crater and doesn't have the nice view, but it is the best waterfall on the island.

Sacred falls:
1 2 3 4 5

Ka'au Crater:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (cool area of the buddhist temple)
posted by GooseOnTheLoose at 7:45 PM on August 8, 2008

Thanks GooseOnTheLoose, I'll give it a go.
posted by omnigut at 7:56 PM on August 8, 2008

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