Demo Tape Policies
September 2, 2004 4:03 AM

Have you come across any funny demo policies lately? [more inside]

I'm thinking of policies along the lines of those used by Rhino:

Does Rhino Accept Demos?
Rhino is a reissue label. If you want us to release your CD, follow these
easy steps: 1. Make a demo.
2. Get that demo heard by a new-artist-focused record company.
3. Record a really good, chart-topping album for a company that has, or will
have, a good relationship with Rhino.
4. Sell lots of copies and grow your fan base.
5. Release more albums (optional).
6. Have your record go out of print (generally an automatic function of
7. Sit back and watch your songs appear on award-winning Rhino compilations
and maybe even have your albums reissued by us!

And VHF:

Q: Do you accept demo tapes?
A: Sure, but before you send it, you should understand our demo audition process (this is all totally serious). First, your package is examined at the post office while I'm standing over the trash can - this is to weed out punk rock stuff (probably not you, since you're reading this and will know we're not a harDCore label). Demos which make it out of the post office are transferred to our DEMO STAGING AREA (the back sear of my car). Demos in the staging area typically age for 3-4 weeks until either a) a hideous traffic jam on the way to work inspires me to root around to see what's back there or b) they roll off the back seat and under the passenger seat, where our trusty Honda's lousy alignment will cause them to creep forward over a period of weeks. In the case of b), these demos are usually lost until stepped on by a passenger, who may throw it in the deck. Sometimes this person is VVGG, and he doesn't like anything. After I listen to your demo, I put it on the front seat, intending to take it into the office and dash off an email to you. Sometimes packages in the note-to-be-emailed stash slip thru this weird gap in between the seat base and seat back and end up on the floor, where they are usually banished to the fate described in b) above. Finally your demo enters the hallowed sancutary of my crappy office in Clarendon, where in approximately 10% of cases I will actually get around to drafting a polite email to you. You should know that in spite of your efforts, we have not done any (0, none, zero) releases as the result of unsolicited demos. Some of your demos are really good, but it's just not that kind of label. It's nothing personal.
posted by soundofsuburbia to Media & Arts (4 answers total)
From Bloodshot Records' FAQ:
PS: We keep a "wall of shame" in our bathroom. Do you really want to be on it?


Q. How does one reach the crack publicity staff for review materials?

A. If, despite a supposed devotion to supporting independent music, you STILL feel compelled to weasel stuff from us, contact Lee Gutowski @ 773-604-5300 or Be prepared to cough up tear sheets.

posted by Vidiot at 5:06 AM on September 2, 2004


Thanks, Vidiot!
posted by soundofsuburbia at 5:33 AM on September 2, 2004

From G7 Welcoming Committee FAQ

We throw everybodies demos into a pile and cover them with nutritional yeast. Then we throw Lorna's cats into the pile and whichever demos they don't eat we put out.

We use this technique because we know that Baphomet and the Goat of Mendes (and now Odin!) recognize that good politics don't necessarily make for good music. They know that a band must actually be a really good band, in conjunction with being smarty-pants to cut the mustard. Or cut the cheeze, for that matter.

posted by Quartermass at 7:12 AM on September 2, 2004

Vidiot, the question reminded me of the same label! Which is where we're actually planning on sending ours.
posted by emelenjr at 7:14 AM on September 2, 2004

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