Keeping the same iTunes Library across Boot Camp?
August 5, 2008 2:24 PM

iTunesfilter: I'm running Mac OS 10.4 and Windows XP on my Mac Mini using Boot Camp. Thing is, I'd like to keep the two iTunes libraries in sync with each other.

The actual music files are kept on an external hard drive, due to the library's size.
I do most of my music management in Mac OS, but I'd like to have the changes I make in OSX show up in Windows, as well. Is there some sort of software/script that will sync the Windows library with the Mac one, periodically?
Thanks in advance!
posted by dunkadunc to Computers & Internet (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
It's not an automatic solution, but there are a couple of Applescript solutions that will tell you what's different between iTunes-on-a-Mac and a folder of files. I answered that in this previous question. As far as going Mac to Windows, I remember using iTunes Library Updater a long time ago - it does essentially the same thing the Applescripts do (I think - it's been a few years since I've used i.L.U.). I should mention that both of these solutions only handle the tracks themselves, but not the iTunes-specific metadata (like playcounts, for instance).
posted by phrayzee at 4:17 PM on August 5, 2008

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