Resort wanted in Costa Rica for extended family winter holiday
July 26, 2008 4:30 AM

Costa Rica holiday for extended family with 6 kids under 10 and 6 adults of varying ages needing a break.

Looking for the perfect way to spend Christmas. Lots of kids (medium raucous), their parents, and assorted grandparents and friends wanting to break the dull European winter with a sun break. Considering Costa Rica.

Ideally a resort type place where food and cleaning are provided. Lots of activities (beach, pool, nature, games, other kids) to keep our kids interested and occupied, jungle trips and visits for joint (kids + adults) activities, not super pricey.

Villa Lora looks about right but am looking for alternatives.

Thanks - JoC
posted by lapsang to Travel & Transportation (1 answer total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
This is the place. We've stayed here and loved it. Meets all your criteria. Not sure about the super pricey part, but you've got the Euro/Pound on your side.
posted by Xurando at 9:40 AM on July 26, 2008

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