Mac OS X Program to Show DV Camcorder Input Full-Screen?
August 27, 2004 7:55 AM

Is there a program for Mac OS X that will take the input from my DV camcorder, and display it so that it takes up the whole screen? (iMovie shows the input only in a window.)
posted by josh to Computers & Internet (6 answers total)
Final Cut (you can make the windows as big as you want if you shell out the $$$)

OK, seriously, I think Video Viewer will do it, although you might need the additional firewire driver from here. There was also another program called fireview or something like that, which looked really good but I recall that it was quite expensive as well.
posted by milovoo at 8:35 AM on August 27, 2004

Awesome, thanks! Video Viewer gets the job done perfectly!
posted by josh at 8:54 AM on August 27, 2004

Huh. I thought there was a second "play" button in iMovie that would play in full-screen. It's just a little to the right of the main play button, looks similar (I think shaded a little darker). This would be version 3 (a free update, I think). sorry if I'm off base here. I'm working from memory.
posted by scarabic at 9:18 AM on August 27, 2004

Scarabic is correct. To the right of the large Play button in iMovie there's a square Play button, "View clip in Full-Screen Mode." This is in iMovie 4.0.1.

Alternatively, Quicktime Pro will play in full screen mode but I prefer the open-source mPlayer (Mac OS X version) made popular from Linux users.
posted by travis vocino at 10:18 AM on August 27, 2004

Alternatively, Quicktime Pro will play in full screen mode but I prefer the open-source mPlayer (Mac OS X version) made popular from Linux users.

Yes, that's true, but QTp (or mPlayer) does not have a way to display input from a DV cam, does it?
posted by milovoo at 10:26 AM on August 27, 2004

Yes, iMovie does play a movie full screen -- but it won't display the input from your camera full screen. You have to record a movie first and switch to 'editing' mode to play in full screen.
posted by josh at 12:07 PM on August 27, 2004

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