How can I get out on the water in Portland, Oregon?
July 7, 2008 12:11 PM

How can I get out on the water in Portland, Oregon? When I visited Boston a friend took me out sailing on the Charles river. They had some sort of community program where you could take lessons and then take out boats you were certified for. It was a lot of fun, so I'm wondering if there's anything similar, not too expensive, in Portland. Rowing might be interesting too, or just some way to boat around without actually owning a boat. I have lots of experience listening to Sloop John B, if that helps?
posted by Post-it Goat to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (7 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I'm sure the folks at the local marina can help you.
posted by Psychnic at 12:19 PM on July 7, 2008

Portland Sailing Center
posted by Miko at 12:35 PM on July 7, 2008

This may help, although it's unclear whether you need to be in a "club."

There are lots of jetski rental options available and a number of kayak rental places as well.

Good luck.
posted by Danf at 12:46 PM on July 7, 2008

I just took a class at the Portland Kayak (River) Company this past weekend. Great place, terrific staff, good launch spot on the premises, good kayaks available for rental. Basic kayaking skills required to rent one of theirs on your own...or you can have them tour you around Ross Island and the Oaks Bottom wildlife preserve (no experience necessary). Good luck!
posted by diastematic at 12:55 PM on July 7, 2008

I'm sure someone else will have more info, but there are many dragonboat teams here in Portland. I've had some friends join them, and they've always had fun. I often see the boats out on the Willamette.
posted by 2oh1 at 3:28 PM on July 7, 2008

Wasabi Paddling Club loves to have new people come out and check out dragonboating.
posted by amanda at 5:06 PM on July 7, 2008

Try the Lake Oswego Rowing Club. They've got good masters programs for the 'learn to row' crowd.
The granddaddy of the Portland rowing scene is ORU, Oregon Rowing Unlimited. Their boathouse is at the Oaks.
posted by msamye at 11:01 PM on July 7, 2008

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