Homeward bound. Well, temporarily.
June 28, 2008 7:36 PM

Sublet/short term (dog friendly) housing in Los Angeles. Suggestions?

I've been waiting for a job to come through in LA & it's been taking forever... I'm not comfortable signing a lease on an apartment until my employment has been confirmed, though. I don't want to commit to a neighborhood or rent until I know I'm firmly booked. When I moved to the Bay area, I lived in temporary housing for 7 months (I rented a variety of rooms and apartments all found through craigslist, mostly with very nice people over 30) and that worked great. I didn't have a little dog back then, though. With my pup, I have to be a little pickier and there are places that I know won't welcome her (if I didn't have her with me, I would probably stay with friends but I don't want to impose on them). I want to make sure our temporary home is one where we're both very comfortable and welcomed, even if it's only for a few months.

Other than craigslist, what are the best ways to find decent, reasonably priced (a lot of short term summer places are super price hiked for tourists) short term housing, room rentals or sublets in LA? I'm wondering if there are any new local resources I'm unaware of since I've been gone a few years.

posted by miss lynnster to Home & Garden (4 answers total)
posted by plexi at 8:09 PM on June 28, 2008

college student housing offices often have lists. I used to go to art center in pasadena and they would technically only give them out to enrolled students but in reality kept them outside the international student's office. you could easily swing by and pick one up. listings usually covered (this is a couple years back) lots of stuff in los feliz, eagle rock, glendale, silverlake and west hollywood as well. I would assume you could find similar lists at the other big schools such as UCLA or USC.
posted by krautland at 8:47 PM on June 28, 2008

Are you on facebook? The Marketplace has real estate listings. (It's weird to click on a possible-landlord and see his religion, though.)
posted by roger ackroyd at 11:02 PM on June 28, 2008

I don't know where you're looking but the Cafe Tropical at the corner of Sunset and Parkman in Silverlake often has sublet listings on its notice board. Good coffee too. There's another coffee shop on Glendale near Silverlake Blvd which also has a board. Coffee not so good. Good luck.
posted by firstdrop at 5:59 AM on June 29, 2008

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