Where has the sound gone??
June 19, 2008 12:23 PM

I'm testing out video clips with my Samsung L100 digital camera. Video quality is great, but the audio sounds like it's a million miles away. Anyone else had this problem?

I just bought a Samsung L100 camera, primarily because I wanted something cheap but with better video capabilities than my 4-year old Minolta. The video quality (and everything else) is greatly improved, BUT I've noticed on playback that the audio on video clips is almost inaudible. Even with all volume settings at their highest on my computer, voices that had been recorded even a foot from the camera are extremely faint; by comparison, they're blasting when taken from the same distance with my Minolta. I'm sure I'm not covering the microphone, and that it's not set to "mute" when recording. The strange thing is that I read dozens and dozens of customer and pro reviews before buying, and not a single one that I saw mentioned bad sound on the video clips. Hmmm. I guess I'm just wondering if it's potentially a faulty microphone with this particular camera, or if there's some trick I'm missing, or if this is par for the course with entry-level digicams these days - maybe my Minolta just had super-human powers? Unfortunately the store where I bought it is quite a distance a way, so I can't just pop over to test out another unit. Would appreciate any input that could help me decide whether or not to research a replacement camera before I do trek back to the store!
posted by globetrotter30 to Technology (2 answers total)
Try calling Samsung.
posted by rhizome at 1:13 PM on June 19, 2008

You're right in assuming it's not par for the course. Onboard mic on my entry-level Samsung has no issues with recording a strong signal from -- for example -- quiet speaking voice at several feet.
posted by kalapierson at 4:20 PM on June 19, 2008

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