Graduate school help
June 17, 2008 7:31 AM

I'm currently looking at materials science PhD programs and I'm having some difficulty locating magnetic materials groups. My interests lie in volatile and non-volatile storage, which is a pretty broad area. Can anyone suggest schools to look at?

I've spoken to some of my professors who study magnetics and the schools they've recommended (Stanford, UCSD) seem promising. I want to find some other options, but it seems like most schools don't do much magnetic storage work. Does anyone know of any places (other than the above and Carnegie Mellon University -- my undergrad) that study magnetic data storage?

Another area I find interesting is phase-change storage memory, but research on this is done mostly outside the United States. Are there any groups (other than businesses) that study this in the U.S.?
posted by Aanidaani to Education (8 answers total)
Have you looked at Caroline Ross's group at MIT? They're doing very interesting things with discrete microfabricated structures for magnetic data storage.
posted by Mapes at 9:09 AM on June 17, 2008

Cornell's Center for Nanoscale Systems

I work at Cornell but have no connections with CNS
posted by bdc34 at 9:27 AM on June 17, 2008

posted by k8t at 10:27 AM on June 17, 2008

Second the MIT suggestion. Send an email to Caroline Ross- most professors are happy to help out students and potential students with something as simple as suggesting names of people/universities doing a specific type of research.
posted by emd3737 at 12:10 PM on June 17, 2008

If you haven't already, look for papers on topics you find interesting, and see who the PIs are and where they work? If it turns out to not be in the US, would you object to going abroad?

I don't remember seeing anything like this during my materials grad school search two years ago, but I would have tuned it out.

If there's work going on in your area at national labs or other federal facilities, you could look into the possibility of attending a school nearby and being co-advised by someone at the lab.
posted by ecsh at 2:07 PM on June 17, 2008

i was gonna pop in here and suggest UCSD for magnetic materials, but i see you've already been pointed that way.

do you have access to scopus or web of science? if so, probably the way i'd go about doing this is to fire up your browser, go to the keyword search and type in a keyword or phrase you like. sort the results by number of citations, and work your down the list. you can get a sense of where the research was done by the list of institutions, and the PI's name is usually last in the list. you can probably get a pretty good feel that way for what groups are doing good work.
posted by sergeant sandwich at 2:20 PM on June 17, 2008

Thanks for the advice guys. I'll take a look at your suggestions, continue speaking to my professors, and also read through some more journals and conference proceedings to see what I can find.
posted by Aanidaani at 4:06 PM on June 17, 2008

UCSB has a great materials program and Nicola Spaldin is doing some work in magnetic materials, especially multiferroic systems, which may be applicable to advanced phase change memory. Also, many of our physics groups are heavily involved in magnetic materials for spintronics

The UCSB Nanofab is also actively adding magnetic materials to the cleanroom deposition tools in support of these groups.

I'm in ECE, so this is what I hear from seminars and happy hours.
posted by mostly_impossible at 5:54 PM on June 17, 2008

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