Where can I find this CD?
August 13, 2004 8:50 AM

As a follow up to this thread a while back, I'm now trying to find a copy of this CD (more inside)

One of the original answers pointed me to a Praga Kahn CD, which I purchased. However, the version on the CD is different than the song I had. I then emailed Praga Kahn and got this response:

“This is the original "Phantasia" by "Inner Light" (one of my side projects). The 12" version is very hard to find. Anyway at least you know what song it is now. The music was made by Oliver Adams en myself and the vocals are done by Darling Nikkie. The record came out on the label "Mental Radio cat no is MR002"

I’ve seen it a few places on vinyl, but as I have no turntable, that is no good. The song also appears on a compilation called Technosonic Vol. 1, but I can’t seem to find that either.

Can you help me, MeFi? I’m so close to solving this mystery. I’ve tried GEMM, Ebay and Amazon so far…

Where do you go to find out of print dance music CD’s?
posted by quibx to Shopping (3 answers total)
Apologies in advance, as this isn't an answer to the question you've posed but an alternative suggestion. If you get hold of it on vinyl then converting it to a format that is good to you is a secondary problem, and one that is, by the sounds of it much easier to solve. I'm sure some of the ask.me-ites might be more than willing in this respect. Added advantage is that you can enjoy the colourful sleeve in full 12" glory.
posted by nthdegx at 9:04 AM on August 13, 2004

Last in stock April 93 but you never know when it will be back in.
posted by niceness at 3:44 PM on August 13, 2004

Is this it ??
From gemm.com
posted by stuartmm at 11:04 AM on August 14, 2004

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