Books on tape in Sacto?
June 6, 2008 3:36 PM

Where can I buy books on _tape_ in Sacramento?
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur to Shopping (4 answers total)
Or you know what? Anyplace to buy them on my Sacramento -> SF -> points south route would help!!
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 3:44 PM on June 6, 2008

There's a store on Watt and Fair Oaks called Talking Book World that has a HUGE selection. It's right off the 50.
posted by ad4pt at 3:47 PM on June 6, 2008

Less than 3 miles from here and my aunt just got home and seconded the recommendation. Perfect!!!
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 4:09 PM on June 6, 2008

When you run out of those, check out library sales. I saw a table full of books on tape at a recent SF Library sale. Visit the websites of whatever libraries are on your route and see when they sell things - some libraries have a running sale, others do once or twice a month.

If you can find stuff you want, you're usually looking at $1-3 a pop.
posted by kristi at 12:53 PM on June 7, 2008

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