Weekend in Portland or Vancouver?
May 19, 2008 8:35 PM

Weekend in Portland or Vancouver?

This Seattleite cannot decide between a weekend (Saturday afternoon through Monday at 2 PM) in Portland, OR or Vancouver, CA.

Is there anything special going on in either location than could swing me in either direction?
posted by bamassippi to Travel & Transportation (8 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Portland has America's only Vegan strip club.

I live in Vancouver, but I will be out of town that weekend, so there'll be room for one more, and we won't have to worry about running into each other and it being all awkward.

So I vote Vancouver. If you're into food there's EAT Vancouver at BC Place. (They don't mean it literally.) Rob Feenie will be there, but really, Rob Feenie shows up every time somebody has a yard sale.

They're doing Gilbert & Sullivan in Surrey.

And it's family nude swim night at the Skinny Dipper Recreation club. (Also in Surrey. Coincidence? I think not...)

In Portland, you can apparently tour a mine. A dark, damp, bat infested mine. Hooray. For only $300. That probably includes a flashlight.

In general, no matter where you're going (I didn't actually check listings for Cambodia, but they claim to have them.) Eventsetter is pretty good for stuff like this.
posted by Naberius at 8:50 PM on May 19, 2008

The annual Bard on the Beach Shakespear festival starts May 29th in Vancouver. All the plays I've seen in years past have been really good and I plan on going to all four plays this year.
posted by Nelsormensch at 9:24 PM on May 19, 2008

*sigh* Shakespearean
posted by Nelsormensch at 9:25 PM on May 19, 2008

Please say "Vancouver, BC." BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC (or PQ), NB, NS, NF, PE, YT, NT, NV. CA is California.

Since you don't stipulate WHICH weekend, your question is impossible to answer. However I'd choose Portland over Vancouver (BC, not WA naturally) any time. Less glass, more organic, less pretentious, and way way way cheaper.
posted by ethnomethodologist at 9:29 PM on May 19, 2008

Uh. A cave in Madras is nowhere near Portland. Your Eventsetter fails it.

http://aroundthesunblog.com/ - Around the Sun Blog has free events in the Portland area.

Pedalpalooza is coming up in June. With, like, a gadzillion bike events every day for, like, a gadzillion days in June. http://www.shift2bikes.org/cal/viewpp2008.php?
posted by Skwirl at 11:45 AM on May 20, 2008

I live in Portland and I vote for Vancouver, assuming you mean Vancouver BC not Vancouver California?
posted by hulahulagirl at 12:20 PM on May 20, 2008

If you mean THIS weekend, there's a meetup.
posted by dersins at 12:22 AM on May 21, 2008

In, uh, Portland.
posted by dersins at 12:23 AM on May 21, 2008

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