i missed the carnival, and its not fair!
April 25, 2008 6:40 PM

help me find carnivals in San Diego - not just right now, but in general.

every once in a while, i will be driving somewhere in san diego and i will notice a carnival- or fair-type event. i forget where ive seen them, exactly. it seems like one that ive seen several times over the years must have been at this park by sunset cliffs blvd and nimitz.

of course, im always on my way somewhere else, and then i kinda forget about it for a while - out of sight out of mind. then, usually weeks or more later, it will occur to me to wonder if it is still there.

does anyone know of a website or even a phone number to call that would list ongoing carnivals and fairs (not the county fair) in san diego county? or even just central san diego? in all these years, only once or twice have i followed up my wondering with a trip to ocean beach to see for myself, so a site or phone number would be helpful. (im guessing its not cool to post phone numbers, so maybe a link to phone numbers?)

or - does anyone have any other tips for trying to find out info on these types of events? (ive tried google, of course.)
posted by gcat to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (1 answer total)
I'm not sure about SD but around LA the traveling carnivals seem to be fundraisers for schools. The schools that I know of are Catholic schools. Maybe try calling a couple of Catholic schools. If that doesn't work try the chamber of commerce.

When I googled I was able to find routes for carnival companies but none in Southern California. This list might help. I didn't read through it. Using the word amusement rather than carnival brought up a lot better results.

It's worth the drive up here to go to the Electric Daisy Carnival.
posted by simbiotic at 2:35 PM on May 1, 2008

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