in dire need of a decent haircut
April 20, 2008 11:03 AM

yet another "where should i get my haircut" question...

So after growing out my hair for a while now, I've finally gotten sick of it and I'm going to chop about 10 or 11 inches off (and donate it). However, I have absolutely no idea where to go.

Depending on when I finally decide to do it, I'll either be in the Lowell, MA or Hartford, CT area. A few things:

1. I'd rather not drive out to Boston
2. I don't mind straying too far from the Lowell/Hartford area
3. I haven't had my hair "professionally" cut in at least five or six years (and even then, it was at a generic family haircut place), so I'd like to go somewhere sort of nice (but not too nice, i'm still a poor college student).

posted by lisawin to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (1 answer total)
Lowell. Hartford. Insider pages has worked for me in the past.
posted by artifarce at 12:37 PM on April 20, 2008

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