Easy to learn VJ software
April 15, 2008 11:03 PM

Can anyone recommend some good, intuitive VJ software for a PC?

I've been a VJ on and off for about ten years, but up until now have been relatively lo-fi; think elbow deep in a 3/4 inch beta deck, two DVD players hooked up to a mixer, mocked by other VJs (jerks.*snif*)

Now I am dragging myself kicking and screaming into the 21st century and have acquired a lovely little 2.3 Ghz HP tablet for this use and would like some software specifically for mixing, distorting, and other eye-candy fun type activities. Ideally, I'd like something that plays well with other media programs and that has an easy, intuitive user interface. I have a gig in about a month where I will be accompanying a variety of live performers, and want to integrate the shiny new toy with as little swearing and Blue Screen of Death as possible. Cheapness would also be nice, but is not necessarily a priority.
posted by louche mustachio to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
You probably want this. There is other stuff out there, but that's the simplest and most fun I've used.
posted by onedarkride at 4:45 AM on April 16, 2008

Try downloading the free 21 day demo from www.arkaos.net - it's a great starting place, and a lot of fun (even if you're a total amateur like me). I run it on a standard centrino laptop, and live video streams and clips, stills, text and effects don't bother it. It's never bluescreened me, though it did once freeze when I tried playing a 1gb video clip that had a dodgy codec.
posted by unless I'm very much mistaken at 5:26 AM on April 16, 2008

Thanks! I haven't gotten a chance to play with Motion Dive, but Arkaos is a LOT of fun so far, and I feel like I could use it right now.
posted by louche mustachio at 3:27 PM on April 16, 2008

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